The school of thought concerning the kings of the Sixteenth Dynasty can be broadly categorised into two groups. The first group holds the view that it was a confederation of Hyksos vassals, while the second group regards it as a Theban dynasty.
The Sixteenth Dynasty attempted to impede the unrelenting southward advance of the Fifteenth Dynasty, but was ultimately vanquished as the invaders methodically advanced southward. After finally taking control of Thebes, the Fifteenth Dynasty of invaders now controlled the entirety of Egypt. This could not last, and preparations to oust the foreigners were initiated, which would see fruition in the Seventeenth Dynasty.

The chronological order
It is important to note that the chronological order of the pharaohs is an evolving subject and should therefore be treated with a certain degree of caution. As new research is conducted, the order may be subject to change, which is a fundamental principle that applies to all Egyptian dynasties.
№ | Pharaoh | Also known as |
2 | Djehuty | |
3 | Sobekhotep VIII | Sekhemre Seusertawy Sobekhotep |
4 | Neferhotep III | |
5 | Mentuhotepi | Sankhenre Mentuhotepi, Mentuhotep VII |
6 | Nebirau I | Nebiryraw I, Sewadjenre |
7 | Nebirau II | Nebiryraw II |
8 | Semenenra | |
9 | Bebiankh | Sewoserenre, Seuserenre |
10 | Sekhemra Shedwaset | |
11 | Dedumose I | Djedhotepre |
12 | Dedumose II | Djedneferre |
13 | Mentuemsaf | Djedankhre |
14 | Mentuhotep VI | Merankhre |
15 | Senusret IV | Seneferibre |
? | Pepi III | Seneferankhre |
? | Nebmaatra | Nebmaatre |
? | Anetjerira | |
? | Meribra | Meribre |
? | Nubankhra | Nubankhre |
? | Nikara II |
The Sixteenth Dynasty according to Manetho
The contents of their epitomes of Aegyptiaka must have been quite different, as can be seen from the differences between the more complete text of Africanus and the missing information of Eusebius. Text added by Syncellus is marked in this way.
Sixteenth dynasty of 32 additional shepherd kings
They reigned for 518 years
Sixteenth dynasty of five kings of Thebes
These reigned for 190 years
Sixteenth dynasty of 5 kings of Thebes
who ruled for 190 years
The large figure of years by Africanus indicates a potential misunderstanding of a summation by the epitomist, which may have resulted in the creation of an additional dynasty. The entries for this dynasty serve as the foundation for two distinct schools of thought regarding the Sixteenth Dynasty: one positing that it comprised Hyksos vassal kings, and the other suggesting that it was led by Egyptian kings.