The royal titulary of the Egyptian pharaohs was the standard naming convention adopted by the kings of ancient Egypt, symbolising their supremacy and sacred power.

The knowledge to read and write hieroglyphs was lost by 450 CE, and would remain so until the 1820s, when the Rosetta Stone was deciphered. Like in Arabic and Hebrew, hieroglyphic writing does not normally indicate vowels, and use sounds not common in most European languages. Since the ancient Egyptian language has been dead for two millennia, the knowledge of how the writing was actually pronounced can only be estimated. When transcribing Egyptian words, the general rule among Egyptologists was to use the pronunciation clues provided by Coptic, otherwise they would add an ‘e’ between consonants until they got something pronounceable to European ears.
Early Egyptology was dominated by French, English and German scholars, who naturally wrote mainly in their own languages. The transcription of names was still new and was done individually by each scholar, which meant that names were read and transcribed differently. As knowledge of the Egyptian language grew, so did the names. For example, a pharaoh first known as Amuntuankh evolved into the name Tutankhamun, and is still spelt slightly differently in various languages (Toutânkhamon, Tutanchamun, Tutankamón etc).
For the sake of consistency, the hieroglyphic sun-disk ⊙ (Gardiner-sign N5), symbolising the sun-god Ra, is transliterated as Ra in these pages. Jean-François Champollion, the first to decipher hieroglyphs, used "Rê" in his transcriptions, perhaps at least partially based on the ancient Greek transliteration of pharaohs' names that often end with -res. This meant that "Re" became dominant instead of the more correct "Ra". For example, the sun sign is written as "Ra" in Ramesses, but as "Re" in Neferkare.
The fivefold royal titulary consisted of the Horus, Nebty, Golden Horus, Throne, and Birth names. It established the king's authority and legitimacy and served as a mission statement for his reign. Many pharaohs are known by only one or two of the five names, and many have yet to be assigned to the correct king. There are also several pharaohs whose names have not yet been identified.
List of the Pharaohs
The pharaohs of ancient Egypt, from predynastic times up to and including the roman emperors, who were not pharaohs as such, but are
included here because some of their names were inscribed on monuments using hieroglyphs.
The chronological order of the pharaohs is difficult to determine because it has been more than 2,000 years since the last one ruled. Establishing a solid timeline
in the ancient world is a very complicated matter, made all the more so by the fact that ancient records are often incomplete, contain errors
or omissions, and are of questionable reliability and compatibility. Moreover, as new research is conducted, the order may be subject to change.
This is a fundamental principle that applies to all Egyptian dynasties.
Predynastic kings
# | Pharaoh | Alternate names | Reign (BC) |
1 | Seka | Hsekiu | |
2 | Khayu | Iukha | |
3 | Tiu | Teyew | |
4 | Tjesh | Thesh, Tesh | |
5 | Neheb | Niheb | |
6 | Wenegbu | Wazner, Wadjenedj | |
7 | Mekh | Imykhet |
First Dynasty
# | Pharaoh | Alternate names | Reign (BC) |
1 | Narmer | Menes | 2900– |
2 | Aha | Hor-Aha | ?–2870 |
3 | Djer | Hor-Djer | 2870–2823 |
4 | Djet | Wadj, Zet, Uadji | 2822–2815 |
5 | Den | Dewen, Udimu | 2814–2772 |
6 | Adjib | Anedjib, Enezib | 2771–2764 |
7 | Semerkhet | 2763–2756 | |
8 | Qaa | Kaa | 2755–2732 |
Second Dynasty
# | Pharaoh | Alternate names | Reign (BC) |
1 | Hotepsekhemwy | Hetepsekhemwy, Hotepsekhemui | 2730–? |
2 | Nebra | Raneb, Kakau | ?–2700 |
3 | Ninetjer | Nynetjer, Banetjer | 2700–2660 |
4 | Wadjenes | ||
5 | Senedj | Sened | ?–2610 |
6 | Sekhemib | 2650–? | |
7 | Peribsen | Seth-Peribsen, Perabsen | 2660–2650 |
8 | Sneferka | Sekanefer, Neferseka, Seneferka | |
9 | Neferkasokar | ||
10 | Hudjefa I | ||
11 | Khasekhemwy | Khasekhemui | 2610–2593 |
Third Dynasty
# | Pharaoh | Alternate names | Reign (BC) |
1 | Nebka | Hen Nekht (not in use anymore) | |
2 | Djoser | Zezer, Zozer, Djeser | 2592–2566 |
3 | Sekhemkhet | Djosertety, Djoserteti, Djoserty | 2565–2559 |
4 | Hudjefa II | ||
5 | Mesochris | ||
6 | Nebkara | Nebkare | |
7 | Neferkara | Neferkare | |
8 | Huni | ?–2544 |
Fourth Dynasty
# | Pharaoh | Alternate names | Reign (BC) |
1 | Sneferu | Snefru, Snofru | 2543–2510 |
2 | Khufu | Cheops | 2509–2483 |
3 | Radjedef | Djedefra, Djedefre | 2482–2475 |
4 | Khafra | Khafre, Chephren, Khefren | 2472–2448 |
5 | Menkaura | Menkaure, Mykerinos, Mycerinus | 2447–2442 |
6 | Shepseskaf | 2441–2436 | |
7 | Baufra | Baefra, Baufre, Baka, Bicheris, Bikka | 2474–2473 |
8 | Thamphthis | Djedefptah, Ptahdjedef | |
9 | Hordjedef | Djedefhor |
Fifth Dynasty
# | Pharaoh | Alternate names | Reign (BC) |
1 | Userkaf | 2435–2429 | |
2 | Sahura | Sahure | 2428–2416 |
3 | Neferirkara I Kakai | Neferirkare I | 2415–2405 |
4 | Shepseskara Netjeruser | Shepseskare | |
5 | Neferefra Isi | Neferefre, Raneferef | 2403 |
6 | Niuserra Ini | Niuserre | 2402–2374 |
7 | Menkauhor Kaiu | Horikau, Ikauhor | 2373–2366 |
8 | Djedkara Isesi | Djedkare Isesi | 2365–2322 |
9 | Unas | Wenis, Unis | 2321–2306 |
Sixth Dynasty
# | Pharaoh | Alternate names | Reign (BC) |
1 | Teti | 2305–2279 | |
2 | Userkara | Userkare, Woserkare | |
3 | Pepi I | Pepy I | 2276–2228 |
4 | Nemtiemsaf I | Nemtyemsaf I, Merenre I | 2227–2217 |
5 | Pepi II | Pepy II, Neferkare | 2216–2153 |
6 | Nemtiemsaf II | Nemtyemsaf II, Merenre II | 2152 |
Seventh Dynasty
while Eusebius wrote that 5 kings of ruled for 75 days.
Eighth Dynasty
# | Pharaoh | Alternate names | Reign (BC) |
1 | Netjerikara | Netjerikare, Nitocris | |
2 | Menkara | Menkare | |
3 | Neferkara II | Neferkare II | |
4 | Neferkara Neby | Neferkare Neby | |
5 | Djedkara Shemai | Djedkare Shemay | |
6 | Neferkara Khendu | Neferkare Khendu | |
7 | Merenhor | ||
8 | Neferkamin I | Seneferka | |
9 | Nikara | Nikare | |
10 | Neferkara Tereru | Neferkare Tereru | |
11 | Neferkahor | ||
12 | Neferkara Pepiseneb | Neferkare Pepiseneb | |
13 | Neferkamin Anu | ||
14 | Qakara Ibi | ||
15 | Neferkaura | Neferkaure | |
16 | Neferkauhor | ||
17 | Neferirkara II | Neferirkare II |
Ninth Dynasty
# | Pharaoh | Alternate names | Reign (BC) |
1 | Meribra Khety I | Meribre Khety I | |
2 | Neferkara III | Neferkare III | |
3 | Wahkara Khety II | Wahkare Khety II | |
4 | Senen | ||
5 | Neferkara Khety III | Neferkare Khety I |
Tenth Dynasty
# | Pharaoh | Alternate names | Reign (BC) |
1 | Nebkaura Khety IV | Nebkaure Khety IV, Khety V | between 2160 and 2130 |
2 | Merikara | Merykare | c. 2075–2040 |
? | Sekhemkara I | Sekhemkare I | |
? | Wadjkara | Wadjkare | |
? | Ity | ||
? | Imhotep | ||
? | Hotep | ||
? | Khui | ||
? | Isu | ||
? | Iytenu |
Eleventh Dynasty
# | Pharaoh | Alternate names | Reign (BC) |
1 | Mentuhotep I | Mentuhotep-aa | |
2 | Intef I | Antef I, Anjotef I, Inyotef I | |
3 | Intef II | Antef II, Anjotef II, Inyotef II | 2066–2017 |
4 | Intef III | Antef III, Anjotef III, Inyotef III | 2016–2009 |
5 | Mentuhotep II | Montuhotep II | 2009–1959 |
6 | Mentuhotep III | Montuhotep III | 1958–1947 |
7 | Mentuhotep IV | Montuhotep IV | 1947–1940 |
Twelfth Dynasty
# | Pharaoh | Alternate names | Reign (BC) |
1 | Amenemhat I | Amenemhet I | 1939–1910 |
2 | Senusret I | Senusret I, Senwosret I | 1920–1875 |
3 | Amenemhat II | Amenemhet II | 1878–1843 |
4 | Senusret II | Senusret II, Senwosret II | 1845–1837 |
5 | Senusret III | Senusret III, Senwosret III, Sesostris | 1837–1819 |
6 | Amenemhat III | Amenemhet III | 1818–1773 |
7 | Amenemhat IV | Amenemhet IV | 1772–1764 |
8 | Neferusobek | Sobekneferu | 1763–1760 |
Thirteenth Dynasty
# | Pharaoh | Alternate names | Reign (BC) |
1 | Sobekhotep I | Sekhemre Khutawy Sobekhotep | 1803–1800 |
2 | Sonbef | Sekhemkare Amenemhat Sonbef | 1800–1796 |
3 | Nerikara | Nerikare | 1796 |
4 | Sekhemkara Amenemhat | Amenemhat V | 1796–1793 |
5 | Ameny Qemau | 1793–1791 | |
6 | Qemau Siharnedjheritef | Amenemhat VI | 1791–1788 |
7 | Iufni | 1788 | |
8 | Sankhibra Amenemhat | 1788–1785 | |
9 | Nebnun | Semenkare Nebnun, Nebennu | 1785–1783 |
10 | Sewesekhtawy Sehotepibra | 1783–1781 | |
11 | Sewadjkara | 1781 | |
12 | Nedjemibra | 1780 | |
13 | Sobekhotep II | Khaankhre Sobekhotep, Sobekhotep I in older studies | 1780–1777 |
14 | Ranisonb | 1777 | |
15 | Hor I | 1777–1775 | |
16 | Sekhemra Khutawy | 1775–1772 | |
17 | Djedkheperu | 1772–1770 | |
18 | Sebkay | 1770–1769 | |
19 | Sedjefakara Kay-Amenemhat | Amenemhat VII | 1769–1766 |
20 | Wegaf | 1766–1764 | |
21 | Khendjer | 1764–1759 | |
22 | Imyremeshaw | Smenkhkare Emramesha | 1759 |
23 | Intef IV | Intef V, Sehotepkare Intef | |
24 | Meribra Seth | 1749 | |
25 | Sobekhotep III | Sekhemre Sewadjtawy Sobkhotep | 1749–1742 |
26 | Neferhotep I | Khasekhemre Neferhotep | 1742–1731 |
27 | Sihathor | Menwadjre Sihathor, Sahathor | 1733 |
28 | Sobekhotep IV | Khaneferre Sobekhotep | 1732–1720 |
29 | Sobekhotep V | Merhotepre Sobekhotep, Sobekhotep VI in older studies | 1720–1717 |
30 | Sobekhotep VI | Khahotepre Sobekhotep, Sobekhotep V | 1717–1712 |
31 | Wahibra Jaib | Wahibre Iaib, Wahibre Ibiau | 1712–1701 |
32 | Aya | Merneferre Ay | 1701–1677 |
33 | Ini | Merhotepre | 1677–1675 |
34 | Sewadjtu | Sankhenre | 1675–1672 |
35 | Ined | Mersekhemre | 1672–1669 |
36 | Sewadjkara Hori | 1669–1664 | |
37 | Sobekhotep VII | Merkaure Sobekhotep | 1664–1662 |
46 | Merkheperra | Merkheperre | |
47 | Merkara | Merkare | |
49 | Mentuhotep V | Sewadjare Mentuhotep, Mentuhotep VI | |
51 | Ibi | ||
52 | Hor II | ||
53 | Se...kara | Sekare | |
54 | Sankhptahi | ||
? | Sekhaenra | Yakbim, Yakobmu | |
? | Maara Sobekhotep | Sobekhotep IX | |
? | Senebmiu |
Fourteenth Dynasty
# | Pharaoh | Alternate names | Reign (BC) |
1 | Yakbim | 1805–1780 | |
2 | Yammu | Ya’amu, Jamu, Jaam, Nubwoserre Ya’ammu | 1780–1770 |
3 | Qareh | 1770–1760 | |
4 | Aahotepra | Aahotepre | 1760–1745 |
5 | Sheshi | Sheshy | 1745–1705 |
6 | Nehesi | Nehesy, Nehsy | 1705 |
7 | Khakherura | Khakherure | |
8 | Nebfaura | Nebfaure | 1704 |
9 | Sehabra | Sehabre | |
10 | Merdjefara | Merdjefare | 1694 |
11 | Sewadjkara III | Sewadjkare III | |
12 | Nebdjefara | Nebdjefare | |
13 | Webenra | Webenre, Ubenre | |
15 | ..djefara | ||
16 | ..webenra | 1690 | |
17 | Awibra | Awibre, Auibra | |
18 | Heribra | Heribre | |
19 | Nebsenra | Nebsenre | |
22 | Sekheperenra | Sekheperenre | |
23 | Djedkherura | Djedkherewre | |
24 | Sankhibra II | Seankibre, Sankhibre | |
25 | Nefertum..ra | Kanefertemre | |
26 | Sekhem..ra | ||
27 | Kakemura | Kakemure, Kakemetre | |
28 | Neferibra | Neferibre | |
29 | I..ra | ||
30 | Khakara | Khakare | |
31 | Akara | Akare, Aakare | |
32 | Hapu | Semenenra, Semenenre, Hepu | |
33 | Anati | Djedkara | |
34 | Babnum | Bebnem, Bebnum | |
43 | Senefer..ra | ||
44 | Men..ra | ||
45 | Djed..ra | ||
49 | Inek.. | ||
50 | A.. | Ineb... | |
51 | Ap.. | Apophis | |
? | Wazad | ||
? | Sheneh |
Fifteenth Dynasty
# | Pharaoh | Alternate names | Reign (BC) |
1 | Salitis | ||
2 | Sakir-Har | Sakarher, Seker-Her | 1621– |
3 | Khyan | Khian, Khayan | 1621–1581 |
4 | Apepi | Nebkhepeshre, Aqenenre, Aweserre, Apophis | 1581–1541 |
5 | Khamudy | Khamudi | 1541–1540 |
? | Aperanat | ||
? | Semqen | ||
? | Apachnas | ||
? | Sharek | ||
? | Beon | Bnon |
Sixteenth Dynasty
# | Pharaoh | Alternate names | Reign (BC) |
2 | Djehuty | 1649–1648 | |
3 | Sobekhotep VIII | Sekhemre Seusertawy Sobekhotep | 1645–1629 |
4 | Neferhotep III | 1629 | |
5 | Mentuhotepi | Sankhenre Mentuhotepi, Mentuhotep VII | 1628–1627 |
6 | Nebirau I | Nebiryraw I, Sewadjenre | 1627–1601 |
7 | Nebirau II | Nebiryraw II | 1601 |
8 | Semenenra | 1601–1600 | |
9 | Bebiankh | Sewoserenre, Seuserenre | 1600–1588 |
10 | Sekhemra Shedwaset | 1588 | |
11 | Dedumose I | Djedhotepre | |
12 | Dedumose II | Djedneferre | |
13 | Mentuemsaf | Djedankhre | |
14 | Mentuhotep VI | Merankhre | |
15 | Senusret IV | Seneferibre | |
? | Pepi III | Seneferankhre | |
? | Nebmaatra | Nebmaatre | |
? | Anetjerira | ||
? | Meribra | Meribre | |
? | Nubankhra | Nubankhre | |
? | Nikara II |
Seventeenth Dynasty
# | Pharaoh | Alternate names | Reign (BC) |
1 | Rahotep | Rehotep | 1580–1576 |
2 | Sobekemsaf I | 1576–1573 | |
3 | Sobekemsaf II | ||
4 | Intef V | Sekhemra-Wepmaat Intef | |
5 | Intef VI | Nubkheperra Intef | |
6 | Intef VII | Sekhemra Heruhirmaat Intef | |
7 | Senakhtenra | Senakhtenre Tao in older texts | 1559–1558 |
8 | Seqenenra | Seqenenre Tao | 1558–1554 |
9 | Kamose | Kamesiu | 1555–1550 |
Abydos (Thinite) Dynasty
# | Pharaoh | Alternate names | Reign (BC) |
1 | Senebkay | ||
2 | Wepwawetemsaf | ||
3 | Pantjeny | ||
4 | Snaaib |
Eighteenth Dynasty
# | Pharaoh | Alternate names | Reign (BC) |
1 | Ahmose I | Amasis, Amosis | 1550–1525 |
2 | Amenhotep I | Amenophis I | 1541–1520 |
3 | Thutmose I | Tuthmosis I, Thutmosis I | 1520–1492 |
4 | Thutmose II | Tuthmosis II, Thutmosis II | 1492–1479 |
5 | Hatshepsut | Hatchepsut | 1473–1458 |
6 | Thutmose III | Tuthmosis III, Thutmosis III | 1479–1425 |
7 | Amenhotep II | Amenophis II | 1425–1400 |
8 | Thutmose IV | Tuthmosis IV, Thutmosis IV | 1400–1390 |
9 | Amenhotep III | Amenophis III | 1390–1352 |
10 | Amenhotep IV | Akhenaten, Akhenaton, Echnaton, Amenophis IV | 1352–1334 |
11 | Neferneferuaten | Nefertiti, Meritaten | 1334–1332 |
12 | Smenkhkara | Smenkhare, Smenkare | 1332– |
13 | Tutankhamun | Tutankhamon, King Tut, Tutankhamen, Tutankhaton | 1332–1323 |
14 | Ay | Aja, Aya | 1322–1320 |
15 | Horemheb | Horemhab, Haremhab | 1320–1292 |
Nineteenth Dynasty
# | Pharaoh | Alternate names | Reign (BC) |
1 | Ramesses I | Ramses I | 1292–1290 |
2 | Seti I | Sethos I | 1290–1279 |
3 | Ramesses II | Rameses II, Ramses II | 1279–1213 |
4 | Merenptah | Merneptah | 1213–1203 |
5 | Seti II | Sethos II | 1203–1200 |
6 | Amenmesse | Amenmesses, Amenmose | 1203–1197 |
7 | Siptah | Merenptah Siptah | 1197–1191 |
8 | Tausret | Tawosret, Twosret | 1191–1190 |
Twentieth Dynasty
# | Pharaoh | Alternate names | Reign (BC) |
1 | Setnakht | Setnakhte | 1190–1186 |
2 | Ramesses III | Rameses III, Ramses III | 1186–1155 |
3 | Ramesses IV | 1155–1149 | |
4 | Ramesses V | 1149–1145 | |
5 | Ramesses VI | 1145–1137 | |
6 | Ramesses VII | 1137–1130 | |
7 | Ramesses VIII | 1130–1129 | |
8 | Ramesses IX | 1129–1111 | |
9 | Ramesses X | 1111–1107 | |
10 | Ramesses XI | 1107–1077 |
Twenty-first Dynasty
# | Pharaoh | Alternate names | Reign (BC) |
1 | Smendes I | 1077–1051 | |
2 | Amenemnesut | Amenemnisu | 1051–1047 |
3 | Psusennes I | 1047–1001 | |
4 | Amenemope | 1101–992 | |
5 | Osochor | Osorkon the Elder | 992–986 |
6 | Siamun | 986–967 | |
7 | Psusennes II | 967–943 |
Twenty-second Dynasty
# | Pharaoh | Alternate names | Reign (BC) |
1 | Shoshenq I | Sheshonq I, Sheshonk I | 943–922 |
2 | Osorkon I | 922–887 | |
3 | Shoshenq II | Sheshonq II, Sheshonk II | |
4 | Shoshenq IIb | Sheshonq IIb, Sheshonk IIb | |
5 | Takelot I | 885–872 | |
6 | Osorkon II | 872–837 | |
7 | Shoshenq III | Sheshonq III, Sheshonk III | 837–798 |
8 | Shoshenq IV | 798–785 | |
9 | Pami | 785–778 | |
10 | Shoshenq V | Sheshonq V, Sheshonk V | 778–740 |
11 | Pedubast II | ||
12 | Osorkon IV | 740–720 |
Twenty-third Dynasty
# | Pharaoh | Alternate names | Reign (BC) |
1 | Takelot II | 840–815 | |
2 | Pedubast I | 829–804 | |
3 | Iuput I | 829–804 | |
4 | Shoshenq VI | Previously known as Shoshenq IV | 804–798 |
5 | Osorkon III | 798–769 | |
6 | Takelot III | 774–759 | |
7 | Rudamun | Rudamon | 759–755 |
Twenty-fourth Dynasty
# | Pharaoh | Alternate names | Reign (BC) |
1 | Tafnakht | ||
2 | Bakenrenef |
Twenty-fifth Dynasty
# | Pharaoh | Alternate names | Reign (BC) |
1 | Piye | Piankhi, Piankhy, Pije, Pianchy | 752–721 |
2 | Shabaka | Sabacon | 721–707 |
3 | Shebitko | Shebitku | 707–690 |
4 | Taharqa | Taharka, Taharqo | 690–664 |
5 | Tenutamen | Tantamani | 664–656 |
Twenty-sixth Dynasty
# | Pharaoh | Alternate names | Reign (BC) |
1 | Necho I | Nekao I | |
2 | Psamtik I | Psammetichus I | |
3 | Necho II | Nekao II | |
4 | Psamtik II | Psammetichus II | |
5 | Apries | Hophra | |
6 | Amasis | Ahmose II, Ahmose III | |
7 | Psamtik III | Psammecherites, Psammetichus III |
Twenty-seventh Dynasty
Persian satrapy
# | Pharaoh | Alternate names | Reign (BC) |
1 | Cambyses II | 525–522 | |
2 | Darius I | 522–486 | |
3 | Xerxes I | 486–465 | |
4 | Artaxerxes I | 465–424 | |
5 | Darius II | 424–405 | |
6 | Artaxerxes II | 405–404 |
Twenty-eighth Dynasty
# | Pharaoh | Alternate names | Reign (BC) |
1 | Amyrtaeus | 404–399 |
Twenty-ninth Dynasty
# | Pharaoh | Alternate names | Reign (BC) |
1 | Neferites I | 398–393 | |
2 | Akoris | 393–380 | |
3 | Psammuthis | 393 | |
4 | Neferites II | 380 | |
5 | Muthis |
Thirtieth Dynasty
# | Pharaoh | Alternate names | Reign (BC) |
1 | Nectanebo I | 380–362 | |
2 | Djedhor Teos I | 362–360 | |
3 | Nectanebo II | 360–343 |
Thirty-first Dynasty
# | Pharaoh | Alternate names | Reign (BC) |
1 | Artaxerxes III | 343–338 | |
2 | Arses | 338–336 | |
3 | Darius III | 336–332 |
Argead Dynasty
# | Pharaoh | Alternate names | Reign (BC) |
1 | Alexander the Great | 332–323 | |
2 | Philip III Arrhidaeus | 323–317 | |
3 | Alexander IV Aegus | 317–309 |
Ptolemaic Dynasty
# | Pharaoh | Alternate names | Reign (BC) |
1 | Ptolemy I | Ptolemaios Soter | 305–285 |
2 | Ptolemy II | Ptolemaios Philadelphos | 288–246 |
3 | Ptolemy III | Ptolemaios Euergetes | 246–222 |
4 | Ptolemy IV | Ptolemaios Philopator | 222–204 |
5 | Ptolemy V | Ptolemaios Epiphanes | 204–180 |
6 | Ptolemy VI | Ptolemaios Philometor | 180–145 |
7 | Ptolemy VII | Ptolemaios Neos Philopator | 145 |
8 | Ptolemy VIII | Ptolemaios Euergetes Physcon | 169–164, 144–132, 126–116 |
9 | Ptolemy IX | Ptolemaios Soter Lathyrus | 116–110, 109–107, 88–81 |
10 | Ptolemy X | Ptolemaios Alexander | 110–109, 107–88 |
11 | Ptolemy XI | Ptolemaios Alexander II | 80 |
12 | Ptolemy XII | Ptolemaios Neos Dionysus Auletes | 80–58 |
13 | Ptolemy XIII | Ptolemaios Philopator II | 51–47 |
14 | Ptolemy XIV | Ptolemaios Philopator Philadelphus | 47–44 |
15 | Cleopatra VII | Kleopatra | 51–30 |
16 | Ptolemy XV | Ptolemaios Philopator Philometor Caesarion | 44–30 |
Roman Emperors
# | Emperor | Latin names | Reign (CE) |
1 | Augustus | Imperator Caesar Divi Filius Augustus | 27 BC–14 CE |
2 | Tiberius | Tiberius Caesar Divi Augusti Fīlius Augustus | 14–37 |
3 | Caligula | Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus | 37–41 |
4 | Claudius | Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus | 41–54 |
5 | Nero | Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus | 54–68 |
6 | Galba | Servius Sulpicius Galba Caesar Augustus | 68–69 |
7 | Otho | Marcus Salvius Otho Caesar Augustus | 69 |
8 | Vespasianus | Vespsian, Titus Flavius Caesar Vespasianus Augustus | 69–79 |
9 | Titus | Titus Flavius Sabinus Vespasianus Augustus | 79–81 |
10 | Domitianus | Domitian, Titus Flavius Caesar Domitianus Augustus | 81–96 |
11 | Nerva | Marcus Cocceius Nerva Caesar Augustus | 96–98 |
12 | Trajanus | Trajan, Imperator Caesar Nerva Traianus Divi Nervae filius Augustus | 98–117 |
13 | Hadrianus | Hadrian, Publius Aelius Hadrianus Augustus | 117–138 |
14 | Antoninus Pius | Titus Fulvus Aelius Hadrianus Antoninus Augustus Pius | 138–161 |
15 | Marcus Aurelius | Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus | 161–180 |
16 | Lucius Verus | Lucius Aurelius Verus Augustus | 161–169 |
17 | Commodus | Marcus Aurelius Commodus Antoninus Augustus | 177–192 |
18 | Septimius Severus | Lucius Septimius Severus Augustus | 193–211 |
19 | Caracalla | Marcus Aurelius Severus Antoninus Augustus | 217–218 |
20 | Geta | Publius Septimius Geta Augustus | 217–218 |
21 | Macrinus | Marcus Opellius Severus Macrinus Augustus | 244–249 |
22 | Diadumenianus | Diadumenian, Marcus Opellius Antoninus Diadumenianus | 249–251 |
23 | Philippus Arabs | Philip the Arab, Marcus Julius Philippus Augustus | 253–260 |
24 | Trajanus Decius | Decius, Caesar Gaius Messius Quintus Traianus Decius Augustus | 276–282 |
25 | Valerianus | Valerian, Publius Licinius Valerianus Augustus | 284–305 |
26 | Probus | Marcus Aurelius Probus Augustus | 276–282 |
27 | Diocletianus | Diocletian, Gaius Aurelius Valerius Diocletianus Augustus | 284–305 |
28 | Maximianus | Maximian, Marcus Aurelius Valerius Maximianus Herculius Augustus | 286–305 |
29 | Galerius | Gaius Galerius Valerius Maximianus Augustus | 305–311 |
30 | Maximinus Daia | Maximinus II, Gaius Valerius Galerius Maximinus Daia Augustus | 311–313 |
Unplaced pharaohs or kings
There are several pharaohs where their reigns and identities remain shrouded in mystery. Whether controversial or completely unknown, archaeologists and historians alike tries to unlock their secrets.
# | King | Also known as | Remarks |
1 | Anather | - | Contemporary with Dynasty XII? |
2 | Harsiese A | - | Ruled at Thebes during Dynasty XXIII |
3 | Ini II | - | Ruled at Thebes during Dynasty XXIII |
4 | Peftjauawybast | Peftjaubast | Governor(?) at Herakleopolis installed by Piye |
5 | Pedubast III | Petubastis IV | Revolted against the Persian Domination of Dynasty XXVII |
6 | Psamtik IV | Psammetichus IV | Probably rebelled against the Persian Domination |
7 | Inaros | Inarus, Inaros II | Rebelled against the Persian Domination |
For various reasons, the king lists above are incomplete, and will likely remain so. Most of the kings not included are very obscure, or very
unlikely to have actually ruled over Egypt. I guess it all depends on where to draw the line.
New research may alter the
chronological order, which is a fundamental principle that applies to all Egyptian dynasties. However, the field of Egyptology is characterised
by a very slow pace of change, with significant shifts often taking decades to emerge, and often remaining hidden in the confines of esoteric journal
articles or academic circles. Bear that in mind.