The Sixth Dynasty is considered to be the last dynasty of the Old Kingdom. According to Manetho, they ruled from Memphis, and since their pyramids were built nearby at Saqqara, this seems very plausible.
The long reign of Pepi II paved the way for officials and the nobility to consolidate their power and influence, while weakening the power of the king. The After his death, the various nobles probably fought for the throne, plunging the kingdom into open revolt and the rapid decline of the Old Kingdom.The confusion in the records of Manetho suggests that the central administration broke down at the end of the Sixth Dynasty. The kingdom entered the First Intermediate Period, an very obscure century with very little contemporary evidence.

The chronological order
It is important to note that the chronological order of the pharaohs is an evolving subject and should therefore be treated with a certain degree of caution. As new research is conducted, the order may be subject to change, which is a fundamental principle that applies to all Egyptian dynasties.
№ | Pharaoh | Also known as |
1 | Teti | – |
2 | Userkara | Userkare, Woserkare |
3 | Pepi I | Pepy I |
4 | Nemtiemsaf I | Nemtyemsaf I, Merenre I |
5 | Pepi II | Pepy II, Neferkare |
6 | Nemtiemsaf II | Nemtyemsaf II, Merenre II |
The Sixth Dynasty according to Manetho
Eusebius displaced the kings from this dynasty into his Fifth Dynasty, suggesting a sorrupted epitome. Africanus epitome of Aegyptiaka was clearly quite different, as can be seen from the differences between the more complete text of Africanus and the missing information of Eusebius.
Sixth dynasty of six kings of Memphis
- Othoes30 years
He was murdered by his bodyguard. - Phios53 years
- Methousouphis7 years
- Phiops, whose reign began at the age of 6, ruled continuously up to his100th year
- Menthesouphis1 year
- Nitokris, the most noble and comely woman of her time, fair in complexion. She built the third pyramid and reigned for12 years
These 203 years, together with the 1294 years of the first five dynasties mentioned above, give a total of 1497 years
Sixth dynasty
- A woman Nitokris was queen, the most noble and comely woman of her time. Possessed of a fair complexion, she is also said to have built the third pyramid.
- These [rulers] reigned for 203 years
Together with the aforementioned 1295 years of the first five dynasties, there are1498 years
It should be noted how much less accurate Eusebius is than Africanus in the number of kings he gives, in the omission of names, and in the
dates, although he repeats Africanus' account practically in the same words.
Sixth dynasty
- A woman by the name of Nitovkris ruled next. It is said that she was braver than any man of her day and more beautiful than any woman, fair haired with a ruddy complexion; of her it is said that she built the third pyramid which is [like] a heap [of wheat] in the shape of a hill.
- They reigned for 203 years
New Kingdom king lists
The Sixth Dynasty in the Turin King List and the Abydos Canon both contains 13 kings, while the Saqqara Canon only 5.
№ | Abydos Canon | Saqqara Canon | Turin King List |
1 | lacuna 6 years, 21 days | ||
2 | – | lacuna | |
3 | lacuna 20 years | ||
4 | lacuna 44 years | ||
5 | lacuna 90+x years | ||
6 | – | lacuna 1 year, 1 month |
According to this notice, Phiops ruled only 94 years. Africanus provided no total, perhaps it was missing in his epitome. But Syncellus' total years of 203 years for the Sixth Dynasty assumes that his reign lasted for 100 years instead of the provided 94 years.2
Syncellus' total of 203 years assumes that Phiops reign lasted for 100 years instead of the provided 94 years. The correct sum is 197 for the dynasty.