Thutmose IV in hieroglyphs

The eighth pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty, a.k.a. Tuthmosis IV, Thutmosis IV

Amenhotep II

Amenhotep III

Reign of Thutmose IV
AE Chronology1400–1390
v. Beckerath1397–1388
Manetho (Josephus)9y 8m
Manetho (Africanus)9 years
Manetho (Eusebius)9 years
Manetho (Jerome)9 years
Highest attestationYear 8
The name of the god Thoth is an ancient Greek transcription of the original name Djehuty. Thutmose is a modern compromise between the Greek transcription Thutmosis and Djehutimes. He was not the intended successor chosen by his father Amenhotep II, but rather usurped the throne from his elder brother.

The Royal Titulary

From the hieroglyphic records

The Dual King
The Son of Ra

Horus Ka nakht tut khau  The Dual King Men kheperu Ra  Son of Ra Djehutimes

Horus names

Horus name

The oldest form of the name of a pharaoh, a falcon representing Horus is perched on the palace facade.

Horus name
Horus name
Ka nakht tut khau
The strong bull, the (very) image of appearances
Dream stele of Thutmose IV (a.k.a. Sphinx stele)
Lepsius, Denkmäler aus Ägypten und Äthiopien, III, 68
Beckerath, “Handbuch der ägyptischen Königsnamen”, 2nd ed. MÄS 49 (1999). 138-139, 8:H1
Horus name variant
Horus name
Ka nakht mery Waset
kꜢ-nḫt mri-wꜢst
The strong bull, beloved of Thebes
Offering table CG 23088 (JE39616)
Beckerath, “Handbuch der ägyptischen Königsnamen”, 2nd ed. MÄS 49 (1999). 138-139, 8:H2
Horus name variant
Horus name
Ka nakht sa Atum
kꜢ-nḫt zꜢ-itm
The strong bull, son of Atum
Petrie, Memphis I, plate VIII (4)
Beckerath, “Handbuch der ägyptischen Königsnamen”, 2nd ed. MÄS 49 (1999). 138-139, 8:H3

Nebty names

Nebty name

The “Two Ladies”, the goddesses Nekhbet and Wadjet, representing Upper and Lower Egypt respectively.

Nebty name
Nebty name
Djed nesyt mi Atum
ḏd-nsyt mi-itm
Stable of kingship like Atum
Dream stele of Thutmose IV (a.k.a. Sphinx stele)
Lepsius, Denkmäler aus Ägypten und Äthiopien, III, 68
Beckerath, “Handbuch der ägyptischen Königsnamen”, 2nd ed. MÄS 49 (1999). 138-139, 8:N1
Nebty name variant
Nebty name
Sekhem khau em tau nebu
Powerful of appearances in all lands
Offering table CG 23088 (JE39616)
Beckerath, “Handbuch der ägyptischen Königsnamen”, 2nd ed. MÄS 49 (1999). 140-141, 8:N2

Golden Horus names

Golden Horus name

Horus perched on Gold, which was associated with eternity, but its meaning is disputed.

Golden Horus name
Nebty name
User khepesh der pedjut 9
wsr-ḫpš dr-pḏt-9
The one great of strength who has repelled the Nine Bows
Dream stele of Thutmose IV (a.k.a. Sphinx stele)
Lepsius, Denkmäler aus Ägypten und Äthiopien, III, 68
Beckerath, “Handbuch der ägyptischen Königsnamen”, 2nd ed. MÄS 49 (1999). 140-141, 8:G1
Golden Horus name variant
Nebty name
User khepesh der pedjut 9
wsr-ḫpš dr-pḏt
The one great of strength who has repelled the Nine Bows
Offering table CG 23088 (JE39616)
Beckerath, “Handbuch der ägyptischen Königsnamen”, 2nd ed. MÄS 49 (1999). 140-141, 8:G2

Throne names

Prenomen or throne name

Announced at the coronation and always written in a cartouche. The “official” name of the pharaoh. Also known as the Prenomen.

Throne name
Men kheperu Ra
Established manifestations of Ra
Abydos Canon no. 72
Saqqara Canon no. 6

Beckerath, “Handbuch der ägyptischen Königsnamen”, 2nd ed. MÄS 49 (1999). 140-141, 8:T1
Throne name variant
Men kheperu Ra, mer en Ra
mn-ḫprw-rꜤ mri.n.rꜤ
Established manifestations of Ra, whom Ra has loved
Lateran obelisk (south side, right column)
Urkunden des Ägyptische Alterthums IV 1549
Beckerath, “Handbuch der ägyptischen Königsnamen”, 2nd ed. MÄS 49 (1999). 140-141, 8:T3
Throne name variant
Men kheperu Ra, iry en Ra
mn-ḫprw-rꜤ iri-n-rꜤ
Established manifestations of Ra, whom Ra made
Lateran obelisk (south side, left column)
Urkunden des Ägyptische Alterthums IV 1550
Beckerath, “Handbuch der ägyptischen Königsnamen”, 2nd ed. MÄS 49 (1999). 140-141, 8:T4
Throne name variant
Men kheperu en Ra
Established manifestations of Ra
Marseille stela 15 and 25
de Saulcy, Mémoires de l'Académie nationale de Metz, 1864, Pt. 2, 257-358
Throne name variant
Men kheperu Ra, setep en Ra
mn-ḫprw-rꜤ stp.n-rꜤ
Established manifestations of Ra , whom Ra chose
Lepsius, Denkmäler aus Ägypten und Äthiopien, III, 69f
Beckerath, “Handbuch der ägyptischen Königsnamen”, 2nd ed. MÄS 49 (1999). 140-141, 8:T5
Throne name variant
Men kheperu Ra, heqa Maat
mn-ḫprw-rꜤ ḥḳꜢ-mꜢꜤt
Established manifestations of Ra, ruler of Maat
Lepsius, Denkmäler aus Ägypten und Äthiopien, III, 69b
Beckerath, “Handbuch der ägyptischen Königsnamen”, 2nd ed. MÄS 49 (1999). 140-141, 8:T6
Throne name variant
Men kheperu Ra
Established manifestations of Ra
de Morgan, Catalogue des Monuments et inscriptions de l'Egypte antique, p. 115
Beckerath, “Handbuch der ägyptischen Königsnamen”, 2nd ed. MÄS 49 (1999). 140-141, 8:T2

Birth names

Nomen or birth name

Personal name given at birth. Also known as the Nomen.

Birth name
Thoth is born
Dream stele of Thutmose IV (a.k.a. Sphinx stele)
Lepsius, Denkmäler aus Ägypten und Äthiopien, III, 68
Beckerath, “Handbuch der ägyptischen Königsnamen”, 2nd ed. MÄS 49 (1999). 140-141, 8:E1
Birth name variant
Djehutimes, kha khau
ḏḥwti-ms(w) ḫꜤi-ḫꜤw
Thoth is born, radiant of crowns
Dream stele of Thutmose IV (a.k.a. Sphinx stele)
Lepsius, Denkmäler aus Ägypten und Äthiopien, III, 68
Beckerath, “Handbuch der ägyptischen Königsnamen”, 2nd ed. MÄS 49 (1999). 140-141, 8:E2
Birth name variant
Djehutimes, kha khau
ḏḥwti-ms ḫꜤi-ḫꜤw
Thoth is born, radiant of crowns
Dream stele of Thutmose IV (a.k.a. Sphinx stele)
Lepsius, Denkmäler aus Ägypten und Äthiopien, III, 68

The sources of antiquity

From the writings of the historians and scholars of antiquity

Africanus xviii, 7 Τουθμωσις Tuthmosis 9 years
Eusebius xviii, 6 Τουθμωσις Tuthmosis 9 years
Jerome Thmosis 9 years
Josephus 96 Θμωσις Thmosis 9 years, 8 months


  • Gauthier, H. Le livre des rois d'Égypte. MIFAO 18 (1912): 290–305
  • Beckerath, J., 1999. “Handbuch der ägyptischen Königsnamen”, Second edition, MÄS 49: 138–141
  • Leprohon, R. J., 2013. The Great Name: Ancient Egyptian Royal Titulary. Atlanta: 101–102
  • Baker. D. D., 2008. The Encyclopedia of the Pharaohs: Volume I. London: 474–477
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