Turin King List: column 3

25 rows — 14 kings.

Twenty-five rows, the first nine describe spirits; the king list starts with a heading on the tenth row. This column is extra wide to accomodate the lifetime of the kings. The eight kings of the First Dynasty compare exactly with Manetho, but discrepancies begin to emerge starting with the kings of the Second Dynasty.

Overview of column 3
1–9Spirits/Demigods with Summation
10Heading for First through Tenth dynasties(?)
11–19First Dynasty8
20–25Second Dynasty6

Column 3.1

photo of the hieratic textfacsimile of the hieratic texthieroglyphics

... 20, their years 1110, their lifetime …

... 20 rnpt sn 1110 ꜤḥꜤw s...

II 1
A town was probably named at the start of the text, indicated by the town sign (O49).1
  • 1   Gardiner 1959: 15 (II 1 a)

Column 3.2

photo of the hieratic textfacsimile of the hieratic texthieroglyphics

Spirits ... 10, their reigns …

Ꜣḫw ... 10 ir.n f m nswyt sn ...

3 + 1 (+ 1* + 2)
II 2
Helck1 proposed joining fr. 2 at the left side of row 2, following the small top part of fr. 1 which Farina had removed,2 from where Seyffarth had originally placed it.3


Helck 1992: 160f.

Spirits ... 10, their reigns … xxx7 years, x their lifetime ...
Ꜣḫw ... 10 ir.n f m nswyt sn ... rnpt xxx7 ꜤḥꜤw ...

  • 1   Helck 1992: 160f.
  • 2   Gardiner 1959: 17
  • 3   Lepsius. Auswahl pl. 3

Column 3.3

photo of the hieratic textfacsimile of the hieratic texthieroglyphics

Spirits ... their years 330, their lifetime ...

Ꜣḫw ... sn 330 ꜤḥꜤw ...

3 + 1 (+ 1* + 2)
II 3
Written on a patch, only small traces of the ink remain of the initial S29-sign, the signs prior are lost. Helck1 proposed adding fr. 2 and the top of fr. 1 removed by Gardiner2 to the right of fr. 1.


Helck 1992: 160f.

Spirits ... their years 330, their lifetime 1000 (+x) ...
Ꜣḫw ... sn 330 ꜤḥꜤw sn 1000 (+ x) ...

  • 1   Helck 1992: 160f.
  • 2   Gardiner 1959: 17

Column 3.4

photo of the hieratic textfacsimile of the hieratic texthieroglyphics

Total: ... 10, their reigns, their life: 1000 (+x) ...

dmḏ ... 10 nswyt sn rnpt sn m Ꜥnḫ rnp.t 1000 (+x) ...

3 + 1
II 4
The tiny red trace at the bottom of fr. 3 is only present in Lepsius,1 but not even commented on by Farina or Gardiner. Only the lower part of the ten-sign is preserved, meaning the number is either a 10, 20 or 30, or less likely 70 as suggested by Helck.2


Helck 1992: 161

Total: Spirits 70, their years, their lifetime: 1000 (+x)
Ꜣḫw 70 nswyt sn rnp.t sn m Ꜥnḫ rnpt 1000 (+ x) ...

  • 1   Lepsius, Auswahl, plate 3
  • 2   Helck 1992: 161

Column 3.5

photo of the hieratic textfacsimile of the hieratic texthieroglyphics

... those of Hunut(?) 19, 11 years, 4 months, 22 days

... ḥw-wnwt 19 rnpt 11 Ꜣbdw 4 hrw 22

II 5
The suggested placename1 is not certain, but the wall sign (O36, inb) suggest some sort of walled town.2
  • 1   Helck 1992: 161
  • 2   Farina 1938: 18 translated it as "Le Cinte" (the Belt?)

Column 3.6

photo of the hieratic textfacsimile of the hieratic texthieroglyphics

The union of 19 spirits of (Thinis?)... 2341(+x) years …

... imy smꜢ 19 rnpt 2341(+x)

II 6
The small traces remaining of the last two digits of the number make it questionable.1 The hieratic N5 (rꜤ) is very similar to O49 (niwt) which could indicate the name of a town, perhaps Thinis.2 The individual words imy and smꜣ translate to "who are in" and "union".


Helck 1992: 161

19 Followers of Horus who are in Thinis, 2341 (+ x) years their lifetime ...
šmsw ḥr imy smꜢ rnpt 2341 (+ x) ....

  • 1   Gardiner 1959: 15 (II 6 c)
  • 2   Helck 1992: 161

Column 3.7

photo of the hieratic textfacsimile of the hieratic texthieroglyphics

... the father, 7 women, their Years and lifetime, 100 (+x)

... ḥr it st.w 7 rnpt sn ꜤḥꜤ sn 100 (+x)

II 7
The rightmost part is the first row of Champollion's fragment Nn.


Helck 1992: 161

Princesses representing the father, 7 women, their years and lifetime, 100 (+x)
nswt zꜢ.t wḥmw ḥr it st.w 7 rnpt sn ꜤḥꜤ sn 100 (+x)

Column 3.8

photo of the hieratic textfacsimile of the hieratic texthieroglyphics

... of the spirits and the followers of Horus, 13420 (+ x) years

... ḫw šmsw-ḥr rnpt 13420 + x

II 8
Followers of Horus.1 The rightmost part is the second row of Champollion's fragment Nn.


Helck 1992: 161

Reign of Spirits and Followers of Horus 13420 years
nswyt Ꜣḫw šmsw-ḥr rnpt 13420

  • 1   Sethe 1905: 3ff.

Column 3.9

photo of the hieratic textfacsimile of the hieratic texthieroglyphics

their lifetime to the followers of Horus: 23200 (+ x) years

.. nfryt(?) r šmsw-ḥr rnp[t] 23200 (+ x)

II 9
The traces of the year sign where the papyrus breaks off sign are clear, and the two ten-thousand signs are very probable.1 Followers of Horus.2 The rightmost part is the third row of Champollion's fragment Nn.


Helck 1992: 161

their lifetime until the Followers of Horus, 23200 years
ꜤhꜤ sn nfryt(?) r šmsw-ḥr rnpt 23200 (+ x)

  • 1   Gardiner 1959: 15 (II 9 a)
  • 2   Sethe 1905: 3ff.

Column 3.10

photo of the hieratic textfacsimile of the hieratic texthieroglyphics

Kings of the house of (?) The Dual King, Meni, Life, Prosperity, and Health

nswyw pr? nsw-bit mni Ꜥnḫ-ḏꜢ-snb ...

II 10
The first row of the papyrus containing the name of a mortal king. The bee-sign is about 1 cm to the left compared to 3.11, and the traces (now lost) ahead of the title seen on the plates of Lepsius and Wilkinson further reinforce that this row contain a heading, serving as an introduction of the kings. There are no other headings until 6.11, but 3 summations, in 4.26, 5.14-17, and 6.10. Either the heading is meant for the first summation in 4.26, or which seems more likely, for the entire period until the next heading in 6.11, as there are no other headings. This also indicate that the Egyptians themselves did not divide this period into ten different dynasties, as per the writings of Manetho. The rightmost part is the fourth row of Champollion's fragment Nn.

Column 3.11

photo of the hieratic textfacsimile of the hieratic texthieroglyphics

The Dual King Meni, life, prosperity and health, he acted as king for ...

nsw-bit mni Ꜥnḫ-ḏꜢ-snb ir.n ...

Narmer (1st king)
I (1)
II 11
The first king of the First Dynasty was most likely the archaeologically attested Narmer, who likely united the Two Lands.1 At the time of the New Kingdom, and possibly much earlier, his name seems to have been lost or forgotten, and instead Meni (Menes in Greek) were named as the king who united the Two Lands, whough there are no archaeological finds of a such a king. It cannot be ruled out that Meni was the personal name of Narmer. The rightmost part is the fifth row of Champollion's fragment Nn.
Other sources
Source Cartouche Name Transcription
Abydos Canon 1 mni Meni
Africanus I (1) Μηνης Mēnēs (62 years)
Eusebius I (1) Μηνης Mēnēs (60 years)
Eratosthenes 1 Μηνης Mēnēs
  • 1   Heagy, Thomas C. (2014), "Who was Menes?", Archeo-Nil 24 (2014): 59–92.

Column 3.12

photo of the hieratic textfacsimile of the hieratic texthieroglyphics

The Dual King Ity ...

nsw-bit ity ...

Aha (2nd king)
I (2)
II 12
Only the first two signs are readable, while the position of the t-sign leave room for another sign below where the papyrus breaks off, it is lost. It is possible that the lacuna would have held another t, like the corresponding entry in the Abydos Canon, Teti (tti), albeit with the order of the signs reversed. Farina hesitantly transcribed the lost sign as an y (Z4),1 however Gardiner left it out altogether.2 The rightmost part is the sixth row of Champollion's fragment Nn.
Other sources
Source Cartouche Name Transcription
Abydos Canon 2 tti Teti
Africanus I (2) Aθωθις Athōthis (57 years)
Eusebius I (2) Aθωθις Athōthis (27 years)
Eratosthenes 2 Aθωθης Athōthēs
  • 1   Farina 1938: 22
  • 2   Gardiner 1959: pl. 1

Column 3.13

photo of the hieratic textfacsimile of the hieratic texthieroglyphics

The Dual King ...

nsw-bit ...

Djer (3rd king)
I (3)
II 13
Only tiny traces remain of what is most likely the divine determinative (G7) and the cartouche close, the name itself is completely lost According to the archaeological record, this position would have held the name of king Djer.
Other sources
Source Cartouche Name Transcription
Abydos Canon 3 itti Iteti
Africanus I (3) Κενκενης Kenkenēs (31 years)
Eusebius I (3) Κενκενης Kenkenēs (39 years)
Eratosthenes 3 Aθωθης Athōthēs

Column 3.14

photo of the hieratic textfacsimile of the hieratic texthieroglyphics

... 10 +x months 28 days ...

... 10 hrw 28 ...

20 + 1
II 14
The curved line is a sort of bracket around a line that intrude on the next column,1 the numbers on the fragment belongs to a god or demi-god in the previous column. This can also be seen in 5.16, 6.15, and 8.3. The trace before the month-sign is likely a 10.2 There are no traces of any other writing on this line, suggesting it was intentionally left blank.3 Perhaps it should be excluded from column 3 in the future, as suggested years ago.4
  • 1   Gardiner 1959: 15 (II 14 a)
  • 2   id. Plate 1.
  • 3   Ryholt 1997: 30.
  • 4   Beckerath 1995: 225f.

Column 3.15

photo of the hieratic textfacsimile of the hieratic texthieroglyphics

The Dual King Ity ...

nsw-bit ... ittiw ...

Djet (4th king)
I (4)
20 + 1
II 15
The bird sign G4 (tiw) is not to be confused with G1 (),1 as it was on the Abydos Canon. This sign appears nowhere else in the king-list.2
Other sources
Source Cartouche Name Transcription
Abydos Canon 4 itꜢ Ita
Africanus I (4) Ουενεφης Ouenephēs (23 years)
Eusebius I (4) Ουενεφης Ouenephēs (42 years)
  • 1   Möller, Hieratische Paläographie II, No. 191 and 192.
  • 2   Gardiner 1959: 15 (II 15 a)

Column 3.16

photo of the hieratic textfacsimile of the hieratic texthieroglyphics

The Dual King Qenty ...

nsw-bit ḳnty ...

Den (5th king)
I (5)
20 + 30
II 16
In hieratic the sign Aa8 (Aa8, ḳn) could stand for not only itself but also certain other signs.1 Furthermore, it is visually similar and easily confused with N24 (N24, spꜢt) or N25 (N25, ḫꜢst).2 This caused confusion in modern transcriptions, as well as in actual hieroglyphic texts, like the Abydos Canon where the scribe read Aa8 as N24. The name Khasty is attested to king Den,3 and usually read as Khasty (ḫꜢsty), but might also be read as Semty (smty).4 The first row of Champollion's fragment F.


Alternative transcription

ḫꜢsty or smty

Other sources
Source Cartouche Name Transcription
Abydos Canon 5 spꜢty Sepati
Africanus I (5) Ουσαφαιδος Ousaphaidos (20 years)
Eusebius I (5) Ουσαφαης Ousaphaēs (20 years)
  • 1   Gardiner 1957: 541
  • 2   Möller, Hieratische Paläographie II, compare No. 322 to No. 604, and possibly also No. 366 (S29)
  • 3   Petrie, Royal Tombs, I, plate V (8-9, 11-12)
  • 4   Gardiner 1957: 541

Column 3.17

photo of the hieratic textfacsimile of the hieratic texthieroglyphics

The Dual King Merigeregepen ... 74 years ...

nsw-bit mr-grg-pn ... rnpt 74 ...

Adjib (6th king)
I (6)
20 + 30
II 17
The archaic W10 (W10, bꜢ)1 was misread by the scibe as U17 (U17, grg),2 and further misinterpreted as N41 (N41, biꜢ) in the Abydos Canon, and R7 (R7, bꜢ) in the Saqqara Canon.3 The number of years is certain. The second row of Champollion's fragment F.
Other sources
Source Cartouche Name Transcription
Abydos Canon 6 mry-biꜢ-p Merybiap
Saqqara Canon 58 mry-bꜢ-pn Merybapen
Africanus I (6) Μιεβιδος Miebidos (26 years)
Eusebius I (6) Nιεβαης Niebaēs (26 years)
Eratosthenes 4 Διαβιης Diabiēs
  • 1   Gardiner 1959: 15 (II 17 a)
  • 2   Möller, Hieratische Paläographie II, No. 467
  • 3   Helck 1992: 163

Column 3.18

photo of the hieratic textfacsimile of the hieratic texthieroglyphics

The Dual King Semsem ... 72 years ...

nsw-bit smsm ... rnpt 72 ...

Semerkhet (7th king)
I (7)
20 + 21 + 30
II 18
A contemporary ivory label of Semerkhet,1 show an archaic figure of a man with a walking stick. The sign is similar to, but not identical to Gardiner sign A19 (smsw). In the Canon, this it is written out with unilateral signs as smsm.2 The first row of Champollion's fragment Dd.
Other sources
Source Cartouche Name Transcription
Abydos Canon 7 smsw Semsu
Africanus I (7) Σεμεμψης Semempsēs (18 years)
Eusebius I (7) Σεμεμψης Semempsēs (18 years)
Eratosthenes 5 Πεμφως Pemphōs
  • 1   Ivory jar-label, British Museum EA32668.
  • 2   Helck 1992: 163

Column 3.19

photo of the hieratic textfacsimile of the hieratic texthieroglyphics

The Dual King Qebeh ... 63 years ...

nsw-bit bḥ ... rnpt 63

Qaa (8th king)
I (8)
20 + 21 + 30
II 19
The starting cartouche, and perhaps a sign or two are lost. The number of years is certain. The second row of Champollion's fragment Dd.
Other sources
Source Cartouche Name Transcription
Abydos Canon 8 ḳbḥ Qebeh
Saqqara Canon 57 ḳbḥw Qebehu
Africanus I (8) Βιηνεχης Biēnekhēs (26 years)
Eusebius I (8) Ουβιενθης Oubienthēs (26 years)

Column 3.20

photo of the hieratic textfacsimile of the hieratic texthieroglyphics

The Dual King Baunetjer ... 95 years ...

nsw-bit ... bꜢ.w-nṯr ... rnpt 95 ...

Hotepsekhemwy (9th king)
II (1)
20 + 21 + 30
II 20
The ink on fr. 21 is faded, making the signs hard to read, but the sign is probably G30 (storks) followed by a determinative. The numbers are certain. The third row of Champollion's fragment Dd.
Other sources
Source Cartouche Name Transcription
Abydos Canon 9 bḏꜤw Bedjau
Saqqara Canon 56 nṯr-bꜢw Netjerbau
Giza king list bḏꜢ-tꜢw Bedjatau
Africanus II (1) Βοηθος Boēthos (38 years)
Eusebius II (1) Βωχος Bōkhos

Column 3.21

photo of the hieratic textfacsimile of the hieratic texthieroglyphics

The Dual King Kakau ...

nsw-bit kꜢkꜤ.w ...

Nebra (10th king)
II (2)
20 + 21 + 30
II 21
The ink on fr. 21 is faded; the broken sign is likely a w, or less likely a wt1 The scribe omitted the number at the end.2 The fourth row of Champollion's fragment Dd.
Other sources
Source Cartouche Name Transcription
Abydos Canon 10 kꜢ-kꜢw Kakau
Saqqara Canon 55 kꜢ-kꜢw Kakau
Africanus II (2) Καιεχως Kaiekhōs (39 years)
Eusebius II (2) Χωος Khōos
  • 1   cf. Möller, Hieratische Paläographie II, No. 200 and V; Gardiner 1959: 15 (II 21 a)
  • 2   Gardiner 1959: 15 (II 21 b).

Column 3.22

photo of the hieratic textfacsimile of the hieratic texthieroglyphics

The Dual King Baunetjer ... 95 years ...

nsw-bit bꜢ.w-nṯr ... rnpt 95 ...

Ninetjer (11th king)
II (3)
20 + 21 + 30
II 22
Only the last signs of the name remains, but the numbers are certain.1 The traces of the bee wings of the fifth row of Champollion's fragment Dd.
Other sources
Source Cartouche Name Transcription
Abydos Canon 11 bꜢ-nṯr Baunetjer
Saqqara Canon 54 bꜢ-nṯrw Banetjeru
Africanus II (3) Βινωθρις Binōthris (47 years)
Eusebius II (3) Βιοφις Biophis
  • 1   Lepsius, Auswahl, pl. III.; cf.Gardiner 1959: 15 (II 22 a-b)

Column 3.23

photo of the hieratic textfacsimile of the hieratic texthieroglyphics

The Dual King Wadjnes ... 70 years ...

nsw-bit ...-s ... rnpt 70 ...

Wadjenes (12th king)
II (4)
21 + 30
II 23
Only the trace of what could be a (S29) s-sign remain of the name and fits well with the last s-sign of the Abydos Canon.1 The 70-sign is certain.
Other sources
Source Cartouche Name Transcription
Abydos Canon 12 wꜢḏns Wadjenes
Saqqara Canon 53 wꜢḏ-l-s Wadjlas
Africanus II (4) Τλας Tlas (17 years)
  • 1   Gardiner 1959: 15 (II 23 a)

Column 3.24

photo of the hieratic textfacsimile of the hieratic texthieroglyphics

The Dual King Senedj ... 54 years ...

nsw-bit snḏ ... rnpt 54 ...

Senedj (13th king)
II (5)
19 + 30
II 24
The number is probably 54, not 74 since the trace of the tens are so close to the four strokes.1
Other sources
Source Cartouche Name Transcription
Abydos Canon 13 sndi Sendi
Saqqara Canon 52 snḏ Senedj
Africanus II (5) Σεθενης Sethenēs (41 years)
  • 1   Gardiner 1959: 15 (II 24 a); cf. Möller, Hieratische Paläographie II, No. 627 (50-sign) vs. No. 629 (70-sign)

Column 3.25

photo of the hieratic textfacsimile of the hieratic texthieroglyphics

The Dual King Aaka ... 70 years ...

nsw-bit ꜤꜢ-kꜢ ... rnpt 70 ...

Sneferka (14th king)
II (6)
19 + 30
II 25
The writing is clearly ꜤꜢ-kꜢ, with the opening cartouche omitted. The ꜤꜢ-sign is obviously a mistake for nfr, which resemble each other in hieratic.1 The Saqqara Canon (no.51) correctly reads the name as nfr-kꜢ-rꜤ. The New Kingdom scribes "corrected" the name Seneferka into Neferkara by exchanging the initial s with the recognizable honorific rꜤ. This was a common practice that made sense to the scribes, as can be noted several times in the king lists.2
Other sources
Source Cartouche Name Transcription
Abydos Canon 19 nfr-kꜢ-rꜤ Neferkara
Saqqara Canon 51 nfr-kꜢ-rꜤ Neferkara
Africanus II (6) Χαιρης Khairēs (17 years)
  • 1   Ryholt 2008: 163-4, note 15; For the signs, see Möller, Hieratische Paläographie II, No. 363 vs. No. 180.
  • 2   Ryholt 2008: 166ff.