Tenutamen in hieroglyphs

The fifth pharaoh of the Twenty-fifth Dynasty, a.k.a. Tantamani


Necho I

Reign of Tenutamen
AE Chronology664–655
v. Beckerath664–655

The Royal Titulary

From the hieroglyphic records

The Dual King
The Son of Ra

Horus Wah merut  The Dual King Ba ka Ra  Son of Ra Ta net Amun

Horus name

Horus name

The oldest form of the name of a pharaoh, a falcon representing Horus is perched on the palace facade.

Horus name
Horus name
Wah merut
Enduring of love
Mariette, Monument divers recueillis en Égypte et en Nubie (1872), II, pl. 81
Beckerath, “Handbuch der ägyptischen Königsnamen”, 2nd ed. MÄS 49 (1999). 210-211, 7:H

Throne name

Prenomen or throne name

Announced at the coronation and always written in a cartouche. The “official” name of the pharaoh. Also known as the Prenomen.

Throne name
Ba ka Ra
The (very) ba of the ka of Ra
Mariette, Monument divers recueillis en Égypte et en Nubie (1872), II, pl. 81
Beckerath, “Handbuch der ägyptischen Königsnamen”, 2nd ed. MÄS 49 (1999). 210-211, 7:T

Birth name

Nomen or birth name

Personal name given at birth. Also known as the Nomen.

Birth name
Ta net Amun
t(Ꜣ) nt-imn
The one belonging to Amun
Mariette, Monument divers recueillis en Égypte et en Nubie (1872), II, pl. 81
Beckerath, “Handbuch der ägyptischen Königsnamen”, 2nd ed. MÄS 49 (1999). 210-211, 7:E1


  • Gauthier, H. Le livre des rois d'Égypte. MIFAO 20 (1915): 42–45
  • Beckerath, J., 1999. “Handbuch der ägyptischen Königsnamen”, Second edition, MÄS 49: 210–211
  • Leprohon, R. J., 2013. The Great Name: Ancient Egyptian Royal Titulary. Atlanta: 163
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