The fourteenth pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty, a.k.a. Aja, Aya
Precedessor Successor | |
Reign of Ay | |
AE Chronology | 1323–1320 |
v. Beckerath | 1325–1321 |
Shaw | 1327–1323 |
Dodson | 1333–1328 |
Arnold | 1338–1335 |
Malek | 1327–1323 |
Grimal | 1327–1323 |
Redford | 1346–1343 |
Highest attestation | Year 4 |
Ay is believed to be the father of Nefertiti. the wife of Akhenaten. When Tutankhamun died, his powerful vizier Ay quickly stepped in and assumed kingship, despite fact that general Horemhab was the designated heir. Manetho assigned Armais with a reign for 4-5 years, which usually has been assigned to Ay instead, based on his known highest date of 4 years. It is now believed that the assignation of Armais to Horemhab was correct, but the number of years should be raised by ten. This leaves Ay unaccounted for by Manetho, unless one of the three(!) Akenchereses could somehow be assigned to Ay.
The Royal Titulary
From the hieroglyphic records
Horus Ka nakht tjehen khau The Dual King Kheper kheperu Ra Son of Ra It netjer Ay
Horus names
The oldest form of the name of a pharaoh, a falcon representing Horus is perched on the palace facade.
Horus name
Ka nakht tjehen khau
kꜢ-nḫt tḥn-ḫꜤw
The strong bull, the one of glittering crowns
Lepsius, Denkmäler aus Ägypten und Äthiopien, III, 113b+c
Beckerath, “Handbuch der ägyptischen Königsnamen”, 2nd ed. MÄS 49 (1999). 146-147, 14:H1
Beckerath, “Handbuch der ägyptischen Königsnamen”, 2nd ed. MÄS 49 (1999). 146-147, 14:H1
Horus name variant
Ka nakht tjehen khau
kꜢ-nḫt ṯḥn-ḫꜤw
The strong bull, the one of glittering crowns
Stela found at Giza (CG 34187)
Beckerath, “Handbuch der ägyptischen Königsnamen”, 2nd ed. MÄS 49 (1999). 146-147, 14:H2
Beckerath, “Handbuch der ägyptischen Königsnamen”, 2nd ed. MÄS 49 (1999). 146-147, 14:H2
Horus name variant
Ka nakht tjehen kheperu
kꜢ-nḫt ṯḥn-ḫprw
The strong bull, the one of dazzling manifestations
Lepsius, Denkmäler aus Ägypten und Äthiopien, III, 113a
Beckerath, “Handbuch der ägyptischen Königsnamen”, 2nd ed. MÄS 49 (1999). 146-147, 14:H3
Beckerath, “Handbuch der ägyptischen Königsnamen”, 2nd ed. MÄS 49 (1999). 146-147, 14:H3
Nebty name
The “Two Ladies”, the goddesses Nekhbet and Wadjet, representing Upper and Lower Egypt respectively.
Nebty name
Sekhem pehty der setet
sḫm-pḥti dr-sṯt
Who is mighty of strength, who subdues the Asiatics
Panopolis Grotto
Lepsius, Denkmäler aus Ägypten und Äthiopien, III, 114b+c
Beckerath, “Handbuch der ägyptischen Königsnamen”, 2nd ed. MÄS 49 (1999). 146-147, 14:N1
Lepsius, Denkmäler aus Ägypten und Äthiopien, III, 114b+c
Beckerath, “Handbuch der ägyptischen Königsnamen”, 2nd ed. MÄS 49 (1999). 146-147, 14:N1
Golden Horus name
Horus perched on Gold, which was associated with eternity, but its meaning is disputed.
Golden Horus name
Heqa Maat sekheper tawy
ḥḳꜢ-mꜢꜤt sḫpr-tꜢwi
The ruler of truth, who created the Two Lands
Panopolis Grotto
Lepsius, Denkmäler aus Ägypten und Äthiopien, III, 114b+c
Beckerath, “Handbuch der ägyptischen Königsnamen”, 2nd ed. MÄS 49 (1999). 146-147, 14:G
Lepsius, Denkmäler aus Ägypten und Äthiopien, III, 114b+c
Beckerath, “Handbuch der ägyptischen Königsnamen”, 2nd ed. MÄS 49 (1999). 146-147, 14:G
Throne names
Announced at the coronation and always written in a cartouche. The “official” name of the pharaoh. Also known as the Prenomen.
Throne name
Kheper kheperu Ra
Everlasting are the Manifestations of Ra
Tomb of Tutankhamun KV62, burial chamber, north wall
Porter & Moss, Topographical Bibliography , I, 570 (8:1)
Porter & Moss, Topographical Bibliography , I, 570 (8:1)
Throne name variant
Kheper kheperu Ra
Everlasting are the Manifestations of Ra
Urkunden des Ägyptische Alterthums , IV, 2108
Throne name variant
Kheper kheperu Ra, iri Maat
ḫpr-ḫprw-rꜤ iri-mꜢꜤt
Everlasting are the Manifestations of Ra, who does what is right
Panopolis Grotto
Lepsius, Denkmäler aus Ägypten und Äthiopien, III, 114b+c
Lepsius, Denkmäler aus Ägypten und Äthiopien, III, 114b+c
Throne name variant
Kheper kheperu Ra, iri Maat
ḫpr-ḫprw-rꜤ iri-mꜢꜤt
Everlasting are the Manifestations of Ra, who does what is right
Tomb of Ay (KV23)
Lepsius, Denkmäler aus Ägypten und Äthiopien, III, 113a+d
Beckerath, “Handbuch der ägyptischen Königsnamen”, 2nd ed. MÄS 49 (1999). 146-147, 14:T1
Lepsius, Denkmäler aus Ägypten und Äthiopien, III, 113a+d
Beckerath, “Handbuch der ägyptischen Königsnamen”, 2nd ed. MÄS 49 (1999). 146-147, 14:T1
Throne name variant
Kheper kheperu Ra, iri Maat
ḫpr-ḫprw-rꜤ iri-mꜢꜤt
Everlasting are the Manifestations of Ra, who does what is right
Sarcophagus of Ay
d'Avennes, Histoire de l'art Egyptien, Atlas I, plate 6
Lepsius, Denkmäler aus Ägypten und Äthiopien, III, 113d
d'Avennes, Histoire de l'art Egyptien, Atlas I, plate 6
Lepsius, Denkmäler aus Ägypten und Äthiopien, III, 113d
Throne name variant
Kheper kheperu Ra, iri Maat
ḫpr-ḫprw-rꜤ iri-mꜢꜤt
Everlasting are the Manifestations of Ra, who does what is right
Urkunden des Ägyptische Alterthums , IV, 2107
Throne name variant
Kheper kheperu Ra, iri Maat
ḫpr-ḫprw-rꜤ iri-mꜢꜤt
Everlasting are the Manifestations of Ra, who does what is right
Brooklyn Museum 66.174.1
Birth names
Personal name given at birth. Also known as the Nomen.
Birth name
It netjer Ay
iti-nṯr Ꜥy
God's father, Ay
The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 18, 50-52
Beckerath, “Handbuch der ägyptischen Königsnamen”, 2nd ed. MÄS 49 (1999). 146-147, 14:E2
Beckerath, “Handbuch der ägyptischen Königsnamen”, 2nd ed. MÄS 49 (1999). 146-147, 14:E2
Birth name variant
It netjer Ay netjer heqa Waset
it-nṯr Ꜥy nṯr-ḥḳꜢ-wꜢst
God's father, Ay, God and ruler of Thebes
Sarcophagus of Ay
d'Avennes, Histoire de l'art Egyptien, Atlas I, plate 6
Lepsius, Denkmäler aus Ägypten und Äthiopien, III, 113; 114b+c
Beckerath, “Handbuch der ägyptischen Königsnamen”, 2nd ed. MÄS 49 (1999). 146-147, 14:E1
d'Avennes, Histoire de l'art Egyptien, Atlas I, plate 6
Lepsius, Denkmäler aus Ägypten und Äthiopien, III, 113; 114b+c
Beckerath, “Handbuch der ägyptischen Königsnamen”, 2nd ed. MÄS 49 (1999). 146-147, 14:E1
- Gauthier, H. Le livre des rois d'Égypte. MIFAO 18 (1912): 374–380
- Beckerath, J., 1999. “Handbuch der ägyptischen Königsnamen”, Second edition, MÄS 49: 146–147
- Leprohon, R. J., 2013. The Great Name: Ancient Egyptian Royal Titulary. Atlanta: 106–107
- Baker. D. D., 2008. The Encyclopedia of the Pharaohs: Volume I. London: 62–65
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