The Royal Canon Library: Volume 35

The Origin of the Royal Papyrus of Turin

Max Pieper



Page 161

The origin of the Turin royal papyrus. — The finding of G. Möller, by which it has become possible to distinguish Upper and Lower Egyptian manuscripts (Hieratische Paläographie II, p. 2), also has significance for historians. Because it is now obvious, as previously suspected, that the royal papyrus of Turin is a Lower Egyptian manuscript. Of the characteristic signs mentioned by Möller are, for example, OOO in column II, row 6 on fr. 11, also in column VII, and row 1 on fr. 72, the venerable man OOO, in column I, row 9 on fr. 1 clearly written in the Lower Egyptian form.

Accordingly, we have in all probability received the Lower Egyptian tradition of the Egyptian kings in the Turin papyrus, while the well-known list of Karnak, for example, gives use the Theban tradition. Some important consequences result from this, eg, the Eleventh Dynasty and the time between the Middle and New Kingdoms does not need to be dealt with first.

M. Pieper.