Minor Egyptian king lists

There are a number of king lists that are not as well known as the larger canons that were inscribed on temple walls. They come from various periods but all have in common that they contain the names of at least five kings.

Abydos king list of Ramesses II

30 pharaohs

Date: 19th dynasty

Provenance: Temple of Ramesses II at Abydos → Kingston Lacy → British Museum

Description: The memorial temple of Ramesses II at Abydos was excavated by William John Bankes in 1818, where this tablet of kings was found. It was acquired by the British Museum in 1837, as inventory number EA 117. It was inspired by the nearby Abydos Canon, the king list of Ramesses’ father Seti I, with the names of Ramesses added, and likely adorned one of the walls of the temple. While most of the inscribed names are identical to those in the Abydos Canon, some use slightly different signs.

  • Top row: same sequence as 40–52 on the Abydos Canon. The names are badly damaged.
  • Middle row: same sequence as 61–76 on the Abydos Canon, + Ramesses II’s prenomen and nomen.
  • Bottom row: repeating Ramesses II’s nomen and prenomen.
Ramesses II king list from Abydos, now in the British Museum
Content of the tablet
# Top row right to left AC # Middle row right to left AC
1 Netjerka(ra) 40 14 Nebukaura 61
2 Menka(ra) 41 15 Khakheperura 62
3 Neferkara 42 16 Khakaura 63
4 Neferka(ra) Nebseneb 43 17 Nimaatra 64
5 Djedkara Shemai 44 18 Maakherura 65
6 Neferkara Khendu 45 19 Nebpehtyra 66
7 Merenhor 46 20 Djoserkara 67
8 Seneferka(ra) 47 21 Aakheperkara 68
9 Nikara 48 22 Aakheperenra 69
10 Neferkara Tereru 49 23 Menkheperra 70
11 Neferka(Hor) 50 24 Aakheperura 71
12 Neferka(ra) Pepiseneb 51 25 Menkheperura 72
13 Neferkamin Anu 52 26 Nebmaatra 73
27 Djoserkheperu Setepenamun 74
28 Menpehtyra 75
29 Menmaatra 76
30 Usermaatra
31 Ramessu Meryamun


  • Bankes., 1820. National Trust NT 1257799. Unpublished.
  • Champollion, J. F., 1826. Lettres, plate 6
  • Young, T., 1828. Hieroglyphics, Vol. 2: plate 47
  • d’Avennes, Prisse., 1847. Monuments, plate 2

Genealogy of Ankhefensekhmet

18 pharaohs

Date: 22nd dynasty

Provenance: Memphis, Egypt → Egyptian Museum of Berlin

Description: A genealogy of Ankhefensekhmet, a Memphite priest of Sekhmet during the 22nd Dynasty. This limestone block is presumably(?) all that remains of his tomb. The four rows are read from top right to left, for a total of 60 ancestors, though some are lost. The text describes several ancestors, some are accompanied by the phrase “in the reign of” followed by the name of a king. It is on display at the Egyptian Museum in Berlin, and is designated Berlin 23673 or ÄM 23673.

Memphite Genealogy, Berlin 23673
Photo credit: Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung / Jürgen Liepe
Pharaohs mentioned
# First row right to left # Second row right to left
12-13 Psusennes I (nomen)
Pa seba kha [en] niut
2-5 Ramesses II
User Maat Ra, setep en Ra
wsr-mꜢꜤt-rꜤ stp-n-rꜤ
14 Psusennes I (prenomen)
Aa kheper Ra, setep en A[mun]
ꜤꜢ-ḫpr-rꜤ stp.n-i[mn]
6-7 Seti I
Men Maat Ra
mn mꜢꜤt rꜤ
15 Amenemnesut
Amen em nesu
imn m nswt
8 Horemheb
Djoser kheperu Ra, setep en Ra
ḏsr-ḫprw stp-n-rꜤ
11-12 Amenhotep III
Neb Maat Ra
nb mꜢꜤt rꜤ
14 Thutmose III
Men kheper Ra
mn ḫpr rꜤ
# Third row right to left # Fourth row right to left
2 Amenhotep I
Djoser ka Ra
ḏsr kꜢ rꜤ
1+3 Senusret III
Kha kau Ra
ḫꜤ kꜢw rꜤ
4 Ahmose I
Neb pehty Ra
nb pḥty rꜤ
4 Amenemhat II
Nub kau Ra
nwb kꜢw rꜤ
5 Apepi
5 Senusret I
Kheper ka Ra
ḫpr kꜢ rꜤ
6 Sharek
6 Amenemhat I
Sehotep ib Ra
sḥtp ib rꜤ
12 Aqen?
ꜢꜤ ḳn
13 Mentuhotep II
Neb pehty Ra
nb pḫty rꜤ
13 Ibi


  • Borchardt, Ludwig., 1935. Die Mittel zur zeitlichen Feststellung von Punkten der ägyptischen Geschichte und ihre Anwendung. QFZ 2, Cairo 1935, 99–100, pls. 2–2a (between pp. 96–97). Cairo.
  • Porter and Moss., 1981. Topographical Bibliography, III2 Memphis. Part 2: 751.
  • Object listing on Berlin Museum webpage (accessed March 10, 2024.)

Tomb of Amenmose

12 pharaohs

Date: Early Nineteenth Dynasty (Seti I)

Provenance: Dra Abu el-Naga, Theban Tomb 19 (TT 19), broad hall, left half, rear wall, middle register

Description: First prophet of ‘Amenophis of the Forecourt’, i.e. the funerary cult of Amenhotep I. The scene shows Amenhotep and a priest before two rows of six seated kings with two queens inset before the kings. Preserved by the drawings of Champollion and Rosellini. The scene was severely damaged already in the 1800s, now presumed destroyed.

Names in the scene, read from left to right
Top row Bottom row
Mentuhotep II
Neb hapet ra
Amenhotep II
Aa kheperu ra
Ahmose I
Neb pehty ra
Thutmose IV
Men kheperu ra
Amenhotep I
Amenhotep III
Neb maat ra
Thutmose I
Aa kheper ka ra
Djoser kheperu ra setep en ra
ḏsr-ḫprw stp-n-rꜤ
Thutmose II
Aa kheper en ra
Ramesses I
Men pehty ra
Thutmose III
Men kheper ra
Seti I
Men maat ra


  • Rosellini, Ippolito., 1832. I Monumenti dell’ Egitto e della Nubia. Plate 45 (3).
  • Champollion, "Jean-François., 1844. Monuments de l’Égypte et de la Nubie, plate 184 (2)
  • Foucart, George., 1935. Le tombeau d’Amonmos, MIFAO, 57.4: plates 11, 12.
  • Porter and Moss., 1960.Topographical Bibliography, I2: 33 (4 II 1)
  • Kitchen, Kenneth A., 1980. Ramesside Inscriptions, III: 392. § 183 E
  • Kitchen, Kenneth A., 2000. Ramesside Inscriptions. Translated and Annotated., III: 284.

Tomb of Inherkhau (Anhurkhawy)

7 pharaohs

Date: Reign of Ramesses IV (dynasty XX)

Provenance: Deir el-Medina, Theban Tomb 359 (TT 359), room F

Description: Lepsius and wife making offerings before two rows of seated kings, queens, and princes, with Huy, painter, at end of lower row. Now almost completely destroyed, but preserved by Lepsius’ drawing.

Presenting incense to the Lords of Eternity, the Magnates of Everlasting; by the Osiris, Chief of Workmen in the Place of Truth, Superintendent of Works in the Horizon of Eternity, wherein one rests, Anhurkhawy, justified for eternity; and (by) his sister, Lady of the house, Chantress of Amun-Ra, King of the Gods, Wab(et); her dear daughter, Sheritra; and her dear daughter, Sheritra; and her dear daughter, Tu[y(?)....].
Cartouches in the scene, read from right to left
# Upper row # Lower row
1 Djoser ka ra Amenhotep (Amenhotep I) [Queen Ahmose-Nefertari]
2 Neb pehty ra (Ahmose I) 4 Men pehty ra (Ramesses I)
(Queen) Ahhotep 5 Neb hapet ra (Mentuhotep II)
(Queen) Merytamun 6 Amenhotep
(Queen) Sitamun 7 Seqen en ra (Seqenenra)
3 Prince Siamun (Prince) [...]mose
(Queen) [....] 8 Heqa maat ra setep en Amun (Ramesses IV)
(Queen) H[enut-me]hit(?) 9 [....]
(Queen) Tures 10 Aa kheper ka ra (Thutmose II)
(Queen) Ahmose[....] Noble [and Scribe?], Huy, justified before the gods.
(Prince) Osiris, Sipair


  • Lepsius, K. R., 1849. Denkmaeler aus Aegypten, III: plate 2d
  • Porter and Moss. Topographical Bibliography, I2: 422 (4)
  • Photo gallery at IFAO Deir el Medina archive: Photo gallery of the list , and TT359.
  • Kitchen, K. A., 1983. Ramesside Inscriptions, VI: 185 (§ 100 D)
  • Kitchen, K. A., 2000. Ramesside Inscriptions. Translated and Annotated, VI: 145

Tomb of Khabekhnet

6 pharaohs

Date: Reign of Ramesses II (Dynasty XIX)

Provenance: Deir el-Medina, Theban Tomb 2 (TT 2), now in Berlin Museum (Inv. No. ÄM 1625)

Description: The deceased making offering before two rows of seated kings, queens, and princes.

Cartouches in the scene, read from right to left
# Name in Upper row # Name in Lower row
1 Lord of Both Lands, Djoserkara, Lord of Crowns, Amenhotep I 1 Lord of Both Lands, Nebhapetra, Lord of Crowns, Mentuhotep II
2 Lady of Both Lands, Ahmose-Nefertari, may she live and abide. 2 Lord of Both Lands, Nebpehtyra, Lord of Crowns, Ahmose I
3 Lord of Both Lands, Seqenenra, Lord of Crowns, Tao the Valiant, given life like Ra. 3 The Good God, Lord of Both Lands, Seqentnebra(?)*, given life.
4 Lady of Both Lands, Ahhotep, given life like Ra. 4 Lord of Both Lands, Wa[djkhe]perra, Lord of Crowns, Kamose, given life like Ra forever.
5 King's sister, Lady of Both Lands, Merytamun, may she live. 5 King's Son, Binpu, given life like Ra.
6 King's sister, Ta-ireses(?), may she live. 6 King's Son, Wadjmose.
7 God's Mother, Kaes-Mut, may she live. 7 King's Son, Ramose, given life like Ra.
8 King's sister, Sitamun, may she live. 8 King's Son, Nebenkhuru(?), given life.
9 King's Son [....] 9 King's Son, Ahmose, given life like Ra.
10 [Royal Lady ....] 10 God's Wife, Lady of Both Lands, Kamose, may she live.
11 Great Royal Wife, Hent-Tamehu, may she live. 11 God's Wife, Lady of Both Lands, Sitirbau, may she live.
12 Kings's Wife, Tures, may she live. 12 God's Wife, Lady of Both Lands, Takheredqa, may she live forever.
13 God's Wife, Lady of Both Lands, Ahmose, may she live and abide like Ra. 13 God's Wife, Lady of Both Lands, [....]
14 King's Son, Sapair, may he live, and abide live Ra forever and ever. 14 Lost ....

* The name Seqentnebra in the third position on the lower row is likely to be Senakhtenra considering that the other kings mentioned are Ahmose and his predecessors. The cartouche is badly damaged, and the line drawings from the 19th century show different readings, so it is quite possible that the name was in fact Senakhtenra.


  • Young, T., 1828. Hieroglyphics, II, plate 97.
  • d’Avennes, E. Prisse., 1847. Monuments Egyptiens, plate 3.
  • Lepsius, K. R., 1849. Denkmaeler aus Aegypten, III, plate 2a.
  • Porter and Moss., 1960. Topographical Bibliography, I2: 7.
  • Kitchen, K. A., 1980. Ramesside Inscriptions, III: 806-807 (§ 299 G)
  • Kitchen, K. A., 2000. Ramesside Inscriptions. Translated and Annotated, III: 539-40

Giza king list

6 pharaohs

Date: Dynasty V

Provenance: Giza Mastaba G1011 pit C - JE 37734 - Museum of Fine Arts Boston (Accession no. 13.4301)

Description: The Giza writing board was made of polished cedar wood and gypsum, presenting a short list of six pharaohs from different dynasties.

Names on the board, bottom to top

Name in cartouche Pharaoh Dynasty
Bedjau Hotepsekhemwy II
Teti Sekhemkhet III
Radjedef Radjedef IV
Khafra Khafra IV
Sahura Sahura V
Neferirkara Neferirkara I Kakai V


  • Brovarski, E., 1987. Two Old Kingdom writing boards from Giza. ASAE, 71: 27-54, pl. 1.
  • Reisner, G., 1910. A Scribe’s Tablet found by the Hearst Expedition at Giza. ZÄS, 48: 113-114.
  • Porter and Moss., 1974. Topographical Bibliography, Vol. 32: 52

King list of Den

5 pharaohs

Date: Reign of Den (Dynasty I)

Provenance: Abydos tomb T

Description: Seal impression containing a sequence of six names: Narmer, Aha, Djer, Djet, Den, and (queen) Merneith. This is a clear indication that Narmer founded the dynasty. The inclusion of queen Merneith suggests that she acted as regent for Den when he was young.

Seal from tomb of Den


  • Dreyer, G., 1986. Ein Siegel der frühzeitlichen Köningsnekropole van Abydos. MDAIK, 43: 33-43. Abb. 2-3. Taf. 4-5
  • Kaiser W., 1986. Zum Siegel mit frühen Königsnamen von Umm el-Qaab. MDAIK, 43: 115-119; Abb. 1-2.

King list of Qa’a

8 pharaohs

Date: Reign of Qa’a (Dynasty I)

Provenance: Abydos tomb Q

Description: Seal impression containing a sequence of eight names: Narmer, Aha, Djer, Wadj, Den, Anedjib, Semerkhet, and Qaa. This seal confirms that Narmer was the first king of the dynasty, as on the Den seal (above.) Queen Merneith’s name is absent, which seems to further confirm that she acted as regent for a young Den.

Seal from tomb of Qaa at Abydos


  • Dreyer G. et. al., 1996. Umm el-Qaab. Nachuntersuchungen im frühzeitlichen Königsfriedhof. 7./8. Vorbericht. MDAIK, 52: Abb. 26. Taf. 14 b, c.

Wadi Hammamat king list

5 pharaohs

Date: Dynasty XII-XIII

Provenance: Wadi Hammamat rock inscription

Description: The rock inscription at Wadi el-Fawachir in Wadi Hamamat consists of with five royal names and a short honorary prayer. Based on paleography, it is generally thought that the list was not contemporary with the fourth dynasty, but rather created during the twelfth or thirteenth dynasties – some 600 years later. The five names are (rightto left): Khufu, Radjedef, Khafra, Hordjedefra, and Baufra.

Wadi Hammamat rock inscription


  • Drioton, E., 1954. Une Liste des Rois de la IV Dynastie dans l’Ouadi Hammamat. BSFE, 16: 41-49.
  • Janosi, P., 2005. Giza in der 4. Dynastie. Die Baugeschichte und Belegung einer Nekropole des Alten Reiches, Vol. 1: 64-65.

The Royal Annals

26 pharaohs

Date: Dynasty V

Provenance: unknown, maybe Memphis

Description: The seven surviving fragments of a stele known as the Royal Annals of the Old Kingdom of Ancient Egypt include the Palermo Stone and its associated fragments. The stele contained a list of the kings of Egypt from predynastic kings through to the early part of the Fifth Dynasty and noted significant events in each year of their reigns. Because most of the stele is missing, the names that could be found on it is lost, but can be inferred by counting their known or assumed length of reign. This is obviously not a guarantee that a certain name was actually found on here.

The Royal Annals

Names in the Annals

Fragment Names found Implicit names
Palermo Predynastic: Imikhet, Wenegbu, Niheb, Tiu, Itjiesh, Khaiu, and Seka
Dynastic: Sneferu, Shepseskaf,
Cairo 1 Djer, Sneferu, Aha
Cairo 2 Khufu, .....
Cairo 3 Djedefra, .....
Cairo 4 Sneferu, Khufu, .....
Cairo 5 Den Aha
London ..... ......


  • Breasted, James H., 1906. Ancient Records of Egypt, Vol. 1. Chicago: §§ 76–167.
  • Beckerath, J. von., 1997. Chronologie des Pharaonischen Ägypten. Mainz.
  • Maspero, G., 1915. Le Musée égyptien: recueil de monuments et de notices sur les fouilles d’Egypte, Vol 3. Cairo: 29-53, plates XXIV-XXXI.
  • Sethe, Kurt., 1933. Urkunden des alten Reiches, Vol. 1. Leipzig: 235-249.
  • Wilkinson, T., 2000. Royals Annals of Ancient Egypt. London, New York.

South Saqqara Stone

4 pharaohs

Date: Dynasty VI

Provenance: Saqqara, storeroom south of the pyramid of Queen Iput II.

Description: The South Saqqara Stone is a large basalt stone that was originally inscribed on both sides with annual records of several kings of the Old Kingdom. These annals include the Sixth Dynasty pharaohs Teti, Userkara, Pepi I, Merenra I, and Pepi II.
Unfortunately, the inscriptions were erased when the stone was reused as the sarcophagus lid for queen Ankhenespepi I during Pepi II’s early years. Fortunately, the craftsman erasing the inscription did not do a particularly good job, as faint traces of the original still remain.

The South Saqqara Stone


  • Baud, M & Dobrev, V., 1995. De nouvelles annales de l’Ancien Empire égyptien. Une 'Pierre de Palerme' pour la VIe dynastie. BIFAO, 95: 23-63.

Tomb of Sekhemkara

5 pharaohs

Date: early Dynasty V

Provenance: Giza central field. Tomb 89 of Lepsius (G 8154).

Description: Five consecutive rulers are honoured in an inscription on a false door in his tomb, which is located southeast of the pyramid of his father Khafra. As the eldest son of the pharaoh, he was also Chief Justice and Vizier.

Names in the scene:

1. Khafra     2. Menkaura     3. Shepseskaf     4. Userkaf     5. Sahura


  • Lepsius, Karl R., 1849. Denkmäler aus Ägypten, Vol. 2: pl. 41a.
  • Sethe, Kurt., 1933. Urkunden des alten Reiches, Vol. 1: §15(106), 166.
  • Porter and Moss. Topographical Bibliography, Vol. 32: 233-34.

Tomb of Netjerpunesut (Nesutpunuter?)

6 pharaohs

Date: early Dynasty V

Provenance: Giza, central field, small mastaba (G 8740).

Description: Entrance doorway lintel with the names of six kings.

Urkunden des Alten Reiches, i, 166

Names in the scene:

1. Radjedef     2. Khafra     3. Menkaura     4. Shepseskaf     5. Userkaf     6. Sahura


  • Sethe, Kurt., 1933. Urkunden des alten Reiches, I, §16(107), 166
  • Porter and Moss. Topographical Bibliography, III2, 278
  • Gauthier., 1925. ASAE, 25: 180.
  • Reisner., 1942. A History of the Giza Necropolis, Vol. 1: 314 (a) Mastaba of Neter-puw-nesuwt.
  • Junker., 1938. Giza III: 51 (no. 50)