Second Dynasty of ancient Egypt

Pharaoh Hotepsekhemwy re-united the kingdom and founded the Second Dynasty. The history of the Second Dynasty is challenging to interpret due to the lack of available evidence. While some kings are confirmed by physical evidence, such as tombs and artefacts, others are only known through their names. The Second Dynasty represents a transition period between the establishment of a central government in the First Dynasty and the consolidation in the Third Dynasty.

In the final years of Ninetjer's reign, a series of events occurred that precipitated a period of instability within the kingdom. It is established that he divided the kingdom into two parts, but the rationale behind this decision remains unclear. Following his demise, the realm was beset by competing factions vying for authority or even establishing their own rulers. The precise sequence of events that transpired remains uncertain; however, three principal hypotheses have been proposed to shed light on the circumstances surrounding the conclusion of Ninetjer's rule.

  1. The first hypothesis suggests that a political breakdown and religious conflict may have precipitated the crisis.
  2. The second hypothesis suggests that Ninetjer may have deliberately chosen to divide Egypt between his two successors, possibly his sons, in order to better administer the two separate kingdoms.
  3. The third hypothesis suggests that an economic collapse, perhaps caused by famine, may have constituted a significant factor in the emergence of disunity within the Egyptian population.

The historical record pertaining to the later stages of the dynasty is, at best, obscure, as evidenced by the inconsistencies in the various king lists. Khasekhemwy, the last pharaoh of the dynasty, was responsible for the initiation of numerous construction projects throughout Egypt and was the father of Djoser, who is regarded as the founder of the Third Dynasty.

Dynasty 2

The chronological order

It is important to note that the chronological order of the pharaohs is an evolving subject and should therefore be treated with a certain degree of caution. As new research is conducted, the order may be subject to change, which is a fundamental principle that applies to all Egyptian dynasties.

Table 1: The kings of the Second Dynasty
Pharaoh Also known as
1 Hotepsekhemwy Hetepsekhemwy, Hotepsekhemui
2 Nebra Raneb, Kakau
3 Ninetjer Nynetjer, Banetjer
4 Wadjenes
5 Senedj Sened
6 Sekhemib
7 Peribsen Seth-Peribsen, Perabsen
8 Sneferka Sekanefer, Neferseka, Seneferka
9 Neferkasokar
10 Hudjefa I
11 Khasekhemwy Khasekhemui

The Second Dynasty according to Manetho

The nine kings are the same number as in the Turin king list, although the Abydos Canon only has six, while the Saqqara Canon has eight. The individual reigns of Africanus add up to 302 years, while Eusebius’ total adds to 297. When combining the first and second dynasties of Africanus, Syncellus calculated a total of 555 years (253 + 302). However, this is incorrect; the actual total is 565 years (263 + 302) due to the 10-year discrepancy in the First Dynasty. For Eusebius, he correctly give the combined total of 549 years (252 + 297).

Syncellus provides the Second Dynasty from the epitomes of Manetho as preserved by Africanus and Eusebius. The Armenian translation of Eusebius comes from a different source.


Second dynasty of nine kings of This

  1. The first of them was Boethos38 years During his reign, a chasm opened up in Boubastos, and many perished.
  2. Kaiechos39 yearsDuring his reign, the bulls, Apis in Memphis and Meneus in Heliopolis, and the Mendesian goat were deemed to be gods.
  3. Binothris47 yearsDuring his reign, it was decreed that women might possess the privilege of royalty.
  4. Tlas17 years
  5. Sethenes41 years
  6. Chaires17 years
  7. Nephercheres25 yearsThere is a story that during his reign, the Nile flowed mixed with honey for eleven days.
  8. Sesochris48 yearsHe was five cubits high and three cubits wide.
  9. Cheneres30 years
  10. Total302 years

Total years of the 1st and 2nd dynasties after the flood, according to the second edition of Africanus555 years


Second dynasty of nine kings

  1. The first was Bochos, during whose reign a chasm opened up at Boubastos, and many perished.
  2. A second Choos also succeeded him, in whose time both Apis and Mneuis, and the Mendesian goat as well, were deemed to be gods.
  3. Biophis, during whose reign it was decreed that women might also possess the privilege of royalty. Succeeding them were three others, during whose reigns nothing of note took place.
  4. There is a story that during the seventh reign, the Nile flowed mixed with honey for eleven days.
  5. After him, Sesochris48 yearsIn stature, he is reported to have been five cubits and three palms in height.
  6. During the ninth reign, nothing worthy of mention occurred.
  7. These kings reigned for297 years

Total for the 1st and 2nd dynasties, according to the edition of Eusebios549 years


Second dynasty of nine kings

  1. First was Bovkʻos. During his reign an enormous fissure opened up in Bubastis and many people perished.
  2. Then Kēkʻovos, in whose reign Apis and Mnevis and the goat of Mendes was honoured as gods.
  3. Then Biopʻis, during whose reign women got the right to rule as monarchs.
  4. After them three other kings ruled, but nothing noteworthy was accomplished during their reigns.
  5. During the reign of the seventh king, the fable-tellers say that the Nile flowed with honey mixed with its waters for eleven days.
  6. Then Sesovkʻris 48 yearsHe is said to have been 5 cubits and 3 spans tall.
  7. Under the ninth, no deed worth remembering was accomplished.
  8. In total, reigned for 297 years

New Kingdom king lists

In accordance with Manetho's assertion, the Turin King List (3.20-4.3) and the Saqqara Canon (56-48) both document nine kings, whereas the Abydos Canon (9-14) records only six kings. This absence of three kings may indicate that some of the records were incomplete already at the time of the New Kingdom.

Table 2: The Second Dynasty in the New Kingdom king lists
Abydos Canon Saqqara Canon Turin King List
1 bḏꜢw nṯr-bꜢw bꜢ.w...
2 kꜢkꜢw kꜢkꜢw ...kꜤ.w
3 bꜢ-nṯr bꜢ-nṯrw ...nṯr
4 wꜢḏ-ns wꜢḏ-ls ...s
5 sndi snḏ snḏ
6 nfr-kꜢ-rꜤ ꜤꜢ-kꜢ
7 nfr-kꜢ-zkr nfr-kꜢ-skr  8 years, 3 months
8 ḥw-ḏfꜢ ḥw-ḏfꜢ  11 years, 8 months, 4 days
9 ḏꜢ-ḏꜢ-y bby bbti  27 years, 2 months, 1 day