The king lists of Africanus

(Sextus?) Julius Africanus (c.160 – c.240) was a Christian historian who wrote a history of the world in five books called Chronographiai, from the creation of the world to 221 CE. The text survive only in extracts by Eusebius.

There are also fragments in Syncellus, Cedrenus and the Chronicon Paschale. It contained material from Manetho’s Aegyptiaca, or rather, material from one of the many epitomes of Aegyptiaca created during the intervening 500 years that passed between the two authors. The dynastic arrangement often attributed to Manetho was likely a construct from the epitome used by Africanus, as the earlier manuscript of Josephus mention no dynastic breaks by Manetho.

As can be expected, the original text of Aegyptiaca was corrupted long before it reached Africanus, as transmission during the intervening centuries undoubtedly required copies of copies to be created. This copying process naturally introduced errors, omissions and misunderstanding of the source text. There were also outright alterations by religious redactors. The epitome used by Africanus was in all likelyhood a somewhat contemporary copy, i.e. removed from Manetho by some 4-500 years.

As Africanus Chronographiai predates Eusebius’ by a century it is generally considered more reliable by Egyptologists. Syncellus recognized the similarity between Africanus and Eusebius and presented both versions in his Ecloga Chronographica.

Due to the fact that the original has not survived is a big problem, as the information that can be gleaned, is from copies of copies, which in themselves cannot be entirely relied upon.

Dynasty 1

8 kings of Thinis, 253 years

No.Ancient GreekTransliterationReignPharaoh
1 Μηνης Menes 62 years Narmer
2 Aθωθις Athothis 57 years Aha
3 Κενκενης Kenkenes 31 years Djer
4 Ουενεφης Ouenephes 23 years Djet
5 Ουσαφαιδoς Ousaphaidos 20 years Den
6 Μιεβιδoς Miebidos 26 years Adjib
7 Σεμεμψης Semempses 18 years Semerkhet
8 Βιηνεχης Bienekhes 26 years Qaa

Dynasty 2

Kings of Thinis

No.Ancient GreekTransliterationReignPharaoh
1 Βoηθoς Boethos 38 years Hotepsekhemwy
2 Καιεχως Kaiekhos 39 years Nebra
3 Βίνωθρις Binothris 47 years Ninetjer
4 Τλας Tlas 17 years Wadjenes
5 Σεθενης Sethenes 41 years Senedj
6 Χαιρης Khaires 17 years ?
7 Nεφερχερης Nepherkheres 26 years Neferkasokar
8 Σεσωχρις Sesokhris 48 years Hudjefa I
9 Χενερης Kheneres 30 years Khasekhemwy

Dynasty 3

Kings of Thinis

No.Ancient GreekTransliterationReignPharaoh
1 Nεχερoφης Nekherophes 28 years Nebka
2 Toσoρθρoς Tosorthros 29 years Djoser
3 Tυρεις Tyreis 7 years Sekhemkhet
4 Mεσωχρις Mesokhris 17 years Mesochris
5 Σωυφις Souphis 16 years ?
6 Toσερτασις Tosertasis 19 years ?
7 Aχης Akhes 42 years ?
8 Σηφoνρις Sephouris 30 years ?
9 Kερφερης Kerpheres 26 years ?

Dynasty 4

Kings of Thinis

No.Ancient GreekTransliterationReignPharaoh
1 Σωρις Soris 29 years Sneferu
2 Σoυφις Souphis 63 years Khufu
3 Σoυφις Souphis 66 years Khafra
4 Mενχερης Menkheres 63 years Menkaura
5 Ρατoισης Rhatoises 25 years Radjedef
6 Bιχερης Bikheres 22 years Baufra
7 Σεβερχερης Seberkheres 7 years Shepseskaf
8 Θαμφθις Thamphthis 9 years Thamphthis

Dynasty 5

9 kings of Elephantine, 248 years

No.Ancient GreekTransliterationReignPharaoh
1 Ουσερχερης Ouserkheres 28 years Userkaf
2 Σεφρης Sephres 13 years Sahura
3 Νεφερχερης Nepherkheres 20 years Neferirkara I Kakai
4 Σισιρης Sisires 7 years Shepseskara Netjeruser
5 Χερης Kheres 20 years Neferefra Isi
6 Ραθουρης Rathoures 44 years Niuserra Ini
7 Μενχερης Menkheres 9 years Menkauhor Kaiu
8 Τανχερης Tankheres 44 years Djedkara Isesi
9 Οννος Onnos 33 years Unas

Dynasty 6

6 kings of Memphis, 203 years

No.Ancient GreekTransliterationReignPharaoh
1 Οθοης Othoës Teti
2 Φιος Phios 53 years Pepi I
3 Μεθουσουφις Methousouphis 7 years Nemtiemsaf I
4 Φιωψ Phiops 94 years Pepi II
5 Μενφεσουφις Menthesouphis 1 years Nemtiemsaf II
6 Νιτωκρις Nitokris ♀ 12 years Netjerikara

Dynasty 7

70 kings of Memphis ruled for 70 days

Names of the kings not recorded

Dynasty 8

27 kings of Memphis, 146 years

Names of the kings not recorded

Dynasty 9

19 kings of Heracleopolis, 409 years

No.Ancient GreekTransliterationReignPharaoh
1 Aχθoης Akhthoës Wahkara Khety II

Dynasty 10

19 kings of Heracleopolis, 185 years

Names of the kings not recorded

Dynasty 11

16 kings of Diospolis, 43 years

No.Ancient GreekTransliterationReignPharaoh
1 Aμμενεμης Ammenemes Amenemhat I

Dynasty 12

7 kings of Diospolis, 160 years

No.Ancient GreekTransliterationReignPharaoh
1 Σεσονχοσις Sesonkhosis 46 years Senusret I
2 Aμμανεμης Ammanemes 38 years Amenemhat II
3 Σεσωστρις Sesostris 48 years Senusret III
4 Λαχαρης Lakhares 8 years Amenemhat III
5 Aμμερης Ammeres 8 years ?
6 Aμμενεμης Ammenemes 8 years ?
7 Σκεμιoφρις Skemiophris ♀ 4 years Neferusobek

Dynasty 13

60 kings of Thebes (Diospolis), 453 years

Names of the kings not recorded

Dynasty 14

76 kings of Xois, 184 years

Names of the kings not recorded

Dynasty 15

6 foreign kings from Phoenicia, 284 years

No.Ancient GreekTransliterationReignPharaoh
1 Σαιτης Saites 19 years Salitis
2 Βνων Bnon 44 years Beon
3 Παχναν Pakhnan 61 years Apachnas
4 Στααν Staan 50 years Khyan
5 Aρχλης Arkhles 61 years Khamudy
6 Aφοβις Aphobis 49 years Apepi

Dynasty 16

32 Grecian shepherd kings, 518 years

Names of the kings not recorded

Dynasty 17

43 shepherd kings and 43 Theban kings, 151 years

Names of the kings not recorded

Dynasty 18

16 kings of Thebes (Diospolis), 263 years.

No.Ancient GreekTransliterationReignPharaoh
1 Aμως Amos Ahmose I
2 Χεβρως Khebros 13 years Thutmose II
3 Αμενωφθις Amenophthis 24 years Amenhotep I
4 Αμενσις Amensis 22 years Hatshepsut
5 Μισαφρις Misaphris 13 years Thutmose I
6 Μισφραγμουθωσις Misphragmouthosis 26 years Thutmose III
7 Τουθμωσις Touthmosis 9 years Thutmose IV
8 Αμενωφις Amenophis 31 years Amenhotep II
9 Ωρος Oros 37 years Amenhotep III
10 Αχερρης Akherres 32 years ?
11 Ραθως Rhathos 6 years ?
12 Χεβρης Khebres 12 years ?
13 Aχερρης Akherres 12 years ?
14 Aρμεσης Armesis 5 years Horemheb
15 Ραμεσσης Rhamesses 1 year Ramesses I
16 Αμενωφαθ Amenophath 19 years Seti I?

Dynasty 19

6 kings of Thebes (Diospolis), 209 years

No.Ancient GreekTransliterationReignPharaoh
1 Σεθως Sethos 51 years Seti I
2 Ραψακης Rhapsakes 61 years Ramesses II
3 Aμενεφθης Amenephthes 20 years Merenptah
4 Ραμεσσης Rhamesses 60 years ?
5 Aμμενεμνης Ammenemnes 5 years Amenmesse
6 Θουωρις Thouoris 7 years Tausret

Dynasty 20

12 kings of Thebes (Diospolis), 135 years

Names of the kings not recorded

Dynasty 21

7 kings of Tanis, 130 years

No.Ancient GreekTransliterationReignPharaoh
1 Σμενδης Smendes 26 years Smendes I
2 Ψουσεννης Psousennes 46 years Psusennes I
3 Νεφελχερης Nephelkheres 4 years Amenemnesut
4 Aμενωφθίς Amenophthis 9 years Amenemope
5 Oσοχωρ Osokhor 6 years Osochor
6 Ψιναχης Psinakhes 9 years Siamun
7 Ψουσεννης Psousennes 30 years Psusennes II

Dynasty 22

9 kings of Bubastis, 120 years

No.Ancient GreekTransliterationReignPharaoh
1 Σεσονχωσις Sesonkhosis 21 years Shoshenq I
2 Oσορθων Osorthon 15 years Osorkon I
6 Τακελωθις Takelothis 13 years Takelot I

Dynasty 23

4 kings of Tanis, 89 years

No.Ancient GreekTransliterationReignPharaoh
1 Πετουβατης Petoubates 40 years Pedubast I
2 Oσορχω Osorkho 8 years Osorkon III
3 Ψαμμους Psammous 10 years ?
4 Ζητ Zet 31 years ?

Dynasty 24

1 king of Sais

No.Ancient GreekTransliterationReignPharaoh
1 Βοχχωρις Bokhkhoris 6 years Bakenrenef

Dynasty 25

3 Ethiopian kings, 40 years

No.Ancient GreekTransliterationReignPharaoh
1 Σαβακων Sabakon 8 years Shabaka
2 Σεβιχως Sebikhos 14 years Shebitko
3 Ταρκος Tarkos 18 years Taharqa

Dynasty 26

9 kings of Sais, 150 years and 6 months

No.Ancient GreekTransliterationReignPharaoh
1 Στεφινατης Stephinates 7 years ?
2 Νεχεψως Nechepsos 6 years ?
3 Νεχαω Nekhao 8 years ?
4 Ψαμμητιχος Psammetikhos 54 years Psamtik I
5 Νεχαω Nechao 6 years Necho II
6 Ψαμμουθις Psammouthis 6 years Psamtik II
7 Ουαφρις Ouaphris 19 years Apries
8 Aμωσις Amosis 44 years Amasis
9 Ψαμμεχεριτης Psammecherites Psamtik III

Dynasty 27

8 Persian kings, 124 years and 4 months

No.Ancient GreekTransliterationReignPharaoh
1 Καμβυσης Kambyses 6 years Cambyses II
2 Δαρειος Dareios 36 years Darius I
3 Ξερξης Xerxes 21 years Xerxes I
4 Aρταβανος Artabanos 7 months ?
5 Aρταξερξης Artaxerxes 41 years Artaxerxes I
6 Ξερξης Xerxes 2 months ?
7 Σογδιανος Sogdianos 7 months ?
8 Δαρειος Dareios 19 years ?

Dynasty 28

1 king of Sais

No.Ancient GreekTransliterationReignPharaoh
1 Aμυρτεος Amurteos 6 years Amyrtaeus

Dynasty 29

4 kings of Mendes, 20 years and 4 months

No.Ancient GreekTransliterationReignPharaoh
1 Νεφεριτης Nepherites 6 years Neferites I
2 Aχωρις Akhoris 13 years Akoris
3 Ψαμμουθις Psammouthis 1 year Psammuthis
4 Νεφεριτης Nepherites Neferites II

Dynasty 30

3 kings of Sebennytos, 38 years

No.Ancient GreekTransliterationReignPharaoh
1 Νεκτανέβης Nektanebes 18 years Nectanebo I
2 Τεως Teos 2 years Djedhor Teos I
3 Νεκτανεβος Nektanebos 18 years Nectanebo II

Dynasty 31

3 Persian kings

No.Ancient GreekTransliterationReignPharaoh
1 Ωχος Okhos 2 years Artaxerxes III
2 Aρσης Arses 3 years Arses
3 Δαρειος Dareios 4 years Darius III

Syncellus added:

Here ends the work of Manetho.
Subsequent Egyptian chronology is based on Greek historians.

15 Macedonian kings

  1. Alexander the Great
  2. Aridaios, renamed Philip — 7 years
  3. Alexander IV, son of Alexander the Great — 8 years
  4. Ptolemy, the son of Lagos — 40 years
  5. Ptolemy Philadelphos — 38 years
  6. Ptolemy Euergetes — 24 years
  7. Ptolemy Philopator — 17 years
  8. Ptolemy Epiphanes — 24 years
  9. Ptolemy Philometor — 35 years
  10. Ptolemy Euergetes II — 28 years
  11. Ptolemy Phouskon — 18 years
  12. Missing
  13. Missing
  14. Missing
  15. Cleopatra, the daughter of Ptolemy Dionysos — 22 years